Chapter 36

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Joans pov
  Come 7:30, I get the girls up against their will and lead both of them into the bathroom. I have Anastasia propped up on the sink and Rose sitting on the edge of the tub.

  "Why do we have to diy our hair?" Rose asks.

  "Because of camera's. I can't just black out every camera so we have to change your appearance. Both of you will be brunette's and it will only last about a month before it washes off."

  "Why don't you have to diy you hair?" Anastasia asks.

  "Because my hairs too dark. I found a wig in the bag and that what I will be wearing. Rose, we'll also cut your hair. Since your hair is long it's noticeable, same with you Anastasia," I explain. They both look down with puppy eyes.

  "Fine," they both sigh. I smile to myself and get started with Anastasia.

  I start by wetting her hair and then putting in the diy. As I let her hair sit, I do the same to Rose. Once the hair is set, I wash it, clean it, and then trim it. For Anastasia, I just cut a little bit off, nothing too much. Rose though, I cut off about four inches and bring it to her shoulder.

Once they're done, I put my hair up and slip on the wig. The fake brown hair goes a little before my mid back. It's itch but it doesn't matter.

  Once we're all set, we make our way to the car. I tell the girls to hop in. I quickly look around for people and then I spot a car. I need to change license plates. So, using my powers, I make the camera's go black and make all of the doors to all the rooms locked. I doubt anyone would be awake at this time, but no chances.

  After I switch the license plates, I hop in the car and we drive off. I don't know where exactly we are going, all I know is that we need to get as far away from Russia as possible.

We've been driving for about two hours nonstop. I can tell that the girls are getting hungry and needed to stretch. They aren't used to this, not like I am. I spot a McDonalds and pull over.

  "Ok, you guys go in, use the bathroom, and order yourself some food ok? We won't stop again till night fall, so get what you need. And Anastasia, stick with me and don't talk, got it?" I ask, turned around to face her.

  "Why?" She asks.

  "Your accent. We can't have that here," I explain.

  We get out of the car and make our way into the grease house. The moment we walk in, the smell of salt and fried food entires my nose. The two girls rush off to the bathroom and I start to order the food.

  Once we're all done, we keep on driving. Just need to get away, that's it. Can't let them catch up.

  After eighteen hours of driving, I need to stop. It's currently 2:39 am. I sigh to myself and take a quick glance to the back. Both of the girls are asleep on each other. We need to stop. The closest thing though is a hotel and they're too nice. But we're quite far from Russia now, they wouldn't think to check here too though.

  Thinking about every option, I finally decide to keep driving. I don't know, but something gave me wrong vibes about that Hotel. I end up stopping for gas and the rest of the night, and most of the day is just driving.

  "Joan, I think we need to stop," Rose says, moving her way up front.

  "We can't," I reply.

  "Look, let's just rest till morning, 'k?" She asks.

  "Please?" Anastasia begs from the back.

  "Please, please, please, please," they both chant in unison.

  "Ok fine," I give in, rolling my eyes.

  After finding a hotel, we find a parking spot and make our way inside. The place is gorgeous to say the least. I can't help but gawk at the place. They have marble flooring with pillars climbing up to the ceiling. The place has a clean, early Germany look to it.

  We walk up to the front desk and standing there is a woman with brown eyes and brown hair pulled back into a tight bun. She is wearing a black dress suit with a black tie.

  "Hello, welcome to the Blürf Hotel. How can I help you?" She greets in German.

  Her voice is high but also soft. The woman can't be any older than twenty three.

  "I would like a room with two beds please." Gosh, I hate speaking in German.

  "Of course! We have free breakfast from 6-10:30 with all you can eat for free, we have a pool and a gym just down that hall. How long do you think you'll be staying with us?" The lady asks.

  "We'll be out tomorrow morning. How much do I owe you?" I ask.

  "That will be €93.21. How will that be paid?"

  "Cash," I reply, handing her the money and taking the card in the mini envelope.

  "Perfect, here is your card and enjoy your stay with us."

  I nod as both of the girls wave and smile as we leave. We make our way to the elevator and to our room. We are on the seventh floor, all the way down the hall.

  Once we make it in the room, I set down the duffel bag and the two girls go sprinting to the beds. They fling themselves on each bed, Anastasia giggling as Rose pretends to be asleep. I close the door and look around for anything out of the blue. Camera's in lamps, mic's, anything really. After coming up clean, I let out a sigh and plop myself down on the blue couch.

  As I sit down, I let out a grunt. I grip onto my side and throw my head back on the wall.

  "Are you ok Joan?" Rose asks.

  "Yeah, how about you two shower and I'll get room service," I say with a smile.

  "I call going first!" Ana yells, rushing into the bathroom, slamming the door.

  I let out a sigh and force myself up, they need cloths. They need a better disguise. I walk over to the duffle bag and pull out a wad of money. 

  "Where are you going?" Rose asks.

  I grab out a gun from the bag and toss it over to Rose. She catches it and looks at me with a look of confusion.

  "What's this for?" She asks.

  "I need to go out and grab some cloths," I explain.

  "Wait, are you ok?" Rose asks.

  "I'll be back with food. Don't leave to go anywhere and don't open the door for anyone. And DON'T speak," I demand before leaving the room and closing the door behind me.

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