Chapter 25

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Joans pov
  How are there no windows in here? Isn't that a fire hazard? I go up to the door and quietly start to move everything out of the way. I unlock the door and cautiously turn the handle. I poke my head out the door and see that no one is around. I close the door and lock it once more.

  I make my way to Rose and bend down to her, she has been crying. I can tell because her eyes are all puffy and red, and there are streak marks that are running down her face.

  "Get up. No one is around, we need to make our escape," I tell her.

  I watch as she gets up and looks at me. I grab my gun and place it in the back of my pants. I then grab my knife. This is what is going to save us. Right now, stealth is what we needed. Before turning the door handle, I wipe the sweat for my forehead and we make our way out.

  As we're walking through the halls, we end up making our way on the other side of where the common room is, coming behind everybody. I stop and look around. Everyone is tied up and can tell that things are bad.

  "Where is she?"

  My ears peak up at the sound of the voice. It was Ivan. I can feel my blood boil with anger and hate.

  "I don't know. She probably left. You'll never find her," James spits.

  I watch as Ivan winds up and backhands him across the face. I can hear James let out a grunt, as his head follows with the hand.

  "You ungrateful American."

  "Go fuck yourself!" James spits.

  Then, I watch as Ivan forces his knee into James face, breaking his nose. Screw it.

  I dart out from the wall and towards Ivan. "Cover me!" I command Rose as I make my way to Ivan.

  I jump over Steve and tackle Ivan to the ground. We both roll away and stare at each other.

  "Well look who finally decided to come out. You look a little ill," Ivan says with a grin.

  I dart to him and we get into hand to hand combat. Eventually I pin him up against a wall and I can hear the sound of guns loading all around me. I turn my head to see that everyone has a gun to their head.

  "Let go of me, or they all die."

  I look back to Ivan and see that same malicious grin that he wore many moons ago. The same one that would turn my blood cold.

  Then I hear the bullets go off. Panicking, I reach my hand out to stop them. I watch as the bullets stay in their spot, hovering only mere centimeters away from their heads. I release the bullets and let them fall to the ground.

  "Good girl," I hear Ivan say with a pleased tone.

  I just look at my team though, they all have looks of confusion, worry, fear. Now, I am the one surrounded by guns. I look around and see that I am completely cornered. No, no I'm not going back, I won't let that happen, not again. I plant my feet into the ground, holding my ground. I close my eyes and focus on everyone's bodies.

  I focus on taking the breath out of them. I focus on their hearts and their brain. I picture myself squeezing them, until all the blood is drained. I open my eyes and see blood pouring out of their eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. Focusing harder, they all drop dead. And I follow with them.

  I can feel my body hit the floor and my eyes becoming heavier. I look up to see Ivan standing right above me. He crouches down to my level so I am now looking him in his black, lifeless eyes. I can feel him place his hand on my face.

  "That's a good pet," he smiles. Then, his gaze goes up and he snaps his hands and I can feel the all too familiar touch of the collar. All of the sudden, any energy I have left, gets drained. Then, I can feel a prick in the middle of my back and it all goes black.

Steve's pov
  We all watch as Joan and Rose turn the corner. Joan goes after Ivan and Rose is left by her self. There's too many of them for her to fight alone. I try to get out of my chains that bound my hands to my feet but it's no use. It's not long until they get her.

  I look back over to Joan who has Ivan pinned up against a wall. We are all surrounded by soldiers with guns pointed at our heads. The guns cock back, now with a bullet in the barrel. Multiple guns at each persons head.

  I look over to Bucky why has blood spewing from out of his nose. His head is hanging and his back is hunched.

  "Let go of me or they die," Ivan says.

  Joan turns her head and the sound of bullets leaving their barrels ring through the air. I close my eyes, taking my last breath, until, I'm still breathing. I open my eyes and see a bullet only and inch away from my forehead. It's just hovering there in that spot, until it falls to the ground.

  I look over to see Joan with her arm extended. What has she done?

  "Good girl," Ivan says with a pleased tone.

  Soon, Joan is the one that is surrounded. Each soldier has a gun pointed at her face. But then, sounds of choking can be heard. We all look at each other confused, everyone except Bucky. I can tell that he knows what's happening.

  Then, all of the people that once stood around her, drop dead. Blood flooding out from their eyes, nose, ears, and mouths. There is blood everywhere.

  Then, Joan follows them and drops to the ground. She's paler than before. She looks whiter than a sheet of paper. We all watch in shock and disbelief as Ivan walks up to her and places his hand on her cheek.

  "That's a good pet."

  We then watch as one of the soldiers darts past us and puts a collar on her, the same one that Rose has on. It looks like he put something in her back but it's hard to tell from this angle.

  Ivan steps over Joans body and walks over to us with his hands behind his back and a wide smile on his face. I have never seen anything like it. There is so much, evil in him. His face is sharp and his eyes are sunken in ever so slightly. His eyes look to be black, you can't tell the difference from his eye color from the pupil. He's big, not fat, but muscular. You can see every different muscle and vein.

He's wearing a black Hydra uniform with medals on his left chest. As he takes his place in front of us, all we can do is stare at him.

"I really should be thanking you," he says, taking off his black leather gloves. "Because you have just gotten me back my weapon."

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