Chapter 12

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Joans pov
From behind Bucky, Steve, Tony, Natasha, Clint, Rose pops out.

"Joan, what are you doing?" Bucky asks, worry filling his voice.

He walks towards me slowly and cautiously. He reaches his hand out to grab the mask from my face. Right as he's about to pull it off, I take a step back.

"Take the mask off Joan," James says softly.

"No," I say simply.

"Joan, you don't have to go back."

"I'm not going back. I have some things that I need to take care of."

"What does that mean?" Tony asks.

"I'm putting an end to this war," I say bluntly.

"What do you mean? What war?" Steve asks.

"For a Captain, you really don't know anything about war."

"That's not true, I've experienced it first hand," Steve flights back.

"No, you didn't. You fought, but you've never killed anyone. Have you ever even been to a concentration camp?'' I growl.

He always thought that he was better than everyone. Not only that but he acts like he knows everything and what to do in any situation. It really pisses me off. And the fact that he doesn't answer, proves my point of being right.

"I have to go," I tell them, making my way to the window.

"Wait, Joan. I'm sorry, please don't leave. I never should have treated you the way I did. I'm sorry,'' Rose says.

I place my hand on the windowsill and place my knee on the edge. I turn around to face her. I then look to James who has tears in his eyes. I step away and I can see the hope in his eyes. I didn't care for Rose, I really didn't. But I care for James.

I walk up to him and take off my mask. I place my flesh hand on his cheek and wipe away a tear. Then, I kiss him.

"I love you James Buchanan Barnes. Don't you ever forget that," I say quietly, so only he can hear.

Then I walk back over to the windowsill and place my mask back on. "I'll be watching over you guys from afar. Don't come looking for me. You won't find me unless I want you too." Then, I jump.

I've been on the run for eight months now. In that time I had taken out twelve different Hydra bases. One by one, it wouldn't be long until I finally wipe them out of existence.

I am currently in a motel room in Turkey. There's a Hydra base not too far from where I was staying. This building was a smaller one.

Nothing to serious would be going on there. I grab my suit and put it on, along with the mask. My hair was now well past my butt, I needed to cut it, it was starting to get out of control. I put my hair up in a fancy braid, almost like a Viking. It was to only way to keep it out of my face while I fought.

I grab all my things and hop onto my motorcycle and take off. It's mid winter here and I'm up north, close to Russia, so the snow here is up to my mid shins. As I'm driving down the long windy forest road, I can't help but think about the dream I had last night.

I have started to let myself remember things and sometimes they were good things, other times, they were bad. But most of the time, they were bad. The one last night was a bad one. I had came out of cryo and then brainwashed. Then I was forced to kill someone.

It's not too long until I finally come up on the base. When I arrive there are guards all around the place. I have two options here. I could just go in as a raid and just kill the first few people I see and get in that way, or I could go in a more stealthy style and take them out more quietly with fewer bullets. The second option.

I let out a sigh and make my way to one of the entrances. I hide behind a tree, waiting for an opening. After about twenty minutes of waiting, the guards finally switch. Once the switch is set, that's when I strike.

I run over to the guard and when he looks away I pull out my knife and place it in his neck. I quickly open up the door and drag the body inside. I look around for a place to hide the body, when I see a pile of boxes. I drag him over to the boxes and hide him behind the pile of boxes.

I go back over, close the door, and make my way through the building in the vents. The goal is to find out where Ivan is. Ivan is the man who started it all. He is the one who had taken me from my family, he's the only one who knows my story.

Ivan and Red Skull were companions. They created Hydra and the Red Room. Ivan was in charge of the Red Room up until the war, when Red Skull needed his help. I'm going to kill him, nothing would stop me and I won't rest until he is dead. I will make sure to give him a slow, painful death.

As I'm crawling through the vents, I end up coming across the control room. I look around to see that there are four guards, nothing special. This wasn't a big facility, meaning there wouldn't be any higher ups here. I open the vet and drop down, they all turn around at point there guns at me. They start firing but I manage to maneuver around them.

I run off the wall and come around, slicing the one guards neck. I then throw my knife into the other ones head. It's not long before I take out all four of them. Once their all down, I disable the alarms and take out a bomb from my bag. I've been placing them in the vents and this was the last one. The only thing left to do, was to find out where Ivan was going to be.

I quickly hack into the computer and try to find out where he would be. Then, I find it. He is going to a ball in Moscow. Back to Russia. It seemed to be that that's where everything happened.

I crawl back through the vents and make my way out of the Hydra base. Once I'm out, I detonate the bombs, sending the building up in flames. I can hear the screams from the soldiers as I drive away. Next stop, Moscow.

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