Chapter 30

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Rose's pov
  We've been here now for two weeks and four days. They haven't really touched me, only Joan. And every time, she comes back covered in sweat and blood. Sometimes it's hers, but most of the time it's someone else's. I feel bad for her. She's trying to keep me alive when I've done nothing to her but be rude.

  She is currently out, leaving it to just me in this empty room. I'm getting bored so I started doing crunched, jumping jacks, squats, and pushups. I need to move. As I'm going on with this for about an hour, I can hear voices outside. My curiosity getting to the better of me, I walk over to the door and press my face against the cold metal.

  "Did you hear what their going to do to her?" I hear one voice ask.

I can tell that they are a chain smokers. Joan has been teaching me how to tell everything you need to know about a person, just by their voice. Somehow she was able to tell that one of the guards was having marriage problems.

  "No, what?" The other man asks.

He sounds young, no older than twenty six, you could tell that he smoked, but not nearly as much as the other guy.

  "Ivans going to make her kill the Avengers," the chain smoker states.

  "How is he going to do that? Didn't she work with them?" The younger one asks.

  "Yeah, he said that he's going to scramble her brain."

  "Like get rid of her memories right?"

  "No, they said that doesn't work on her anymore. They said that instead their going to change her memories. He's going to switch them up then cryo freeze her, that way in that time she's out, all she'll think about is how they betrayed her and how we saved her."

  "That's crazy. We can do that?"

  "Yeah," the smoker confirms.

  "Hey, why does Ivan always refer to her as it?" The younger one asks.

  "Cause she's not really a person. She's a weapon. Her only purpose is to kill, nothing more."

  "That's kinda sad."

  "I suppose, but that's how it is."

  I back away from the door in shock and disbelief. My mouth gaped and my back straight. I can't believe it. How does Ivan have so much power over her? I can't let them touch her. Who knows what will really happen to her.

  Then, out of nowhere, the alarms start blaring outside the door. I can see flashes of red from under the door. After about five minutes of the alarms going off, I can hear people outside, trying to open up the door.

  I back away and Ivan walks in with eight soldiers behind him. I can feel my back hit the wall, meaning that there's nowhere else for me to go.

"Hello there Rose," Ivan smiles.

  Two guards come behind me and cuff my hands behind my back.

  "This is when the bribe comes in," he smiles.

  As we walk through the halls, all I can think of is if Joan is ok. We end up coming across a wall of soldiers. They are everywhere. We end up making our way through the crowd and that's when I spot Joan.

"I would think wisely about your next step here," Ivan says.

Once we get to Joan, I can see the fear, anger, and hurt in her eyes. Ivan kicks my knees in, making me fall to the ground. I can feel the barrel of the gun pointed at the back of my skull.

  "Put the gun down and the only person getting hurt is you," he says.

Joan though, is frozen in her spot. I can see a flash in her eyes as they rapidly scan the room.

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