Chapter 34

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Joan's pov
It's been two hours since they've taken Rose and Anastasia. I can't believe it, I just sat there and watched. I was so angry just moments ago and then it's like everything just shut down. I pull my legs closer into my chest and rest my head in between my knees.

The heavy metal door opens and in walks Ivan and seven other guards right behind him.

"Get up," he commands.

I let out a sigh and do as I'm told. As I follow him out of the room and down the maze of endless hallways. The guards all have their guns pointed at me and Ivan has his hands behind his back as we walk.

"Today, will be the day where we see if you are truly loyal. If you aren't, then we will have to keep on trying," he says.

We end up making it to the room with the red star. Meaning more pain and another headache. As we walk in I immediately make my way and sit down in the chair. To be honest, I don't fully care at this point. The Avengers weren't coming, so I mine as well give up now. The restraints are locked in place and the head piece makes its way down. The doctor places a mouth guard in my mouth and the pain begins.

I'm in a room with a cot in the corner. On the cot is an outfit. I change into it and right as I slip on the mask, the door opens. I turn around and see Ivan.

"You look good soldier. Follow me," he commands.

The two of us make our way to a door and I wait there as Ivan fiddles with the keys. Once the door opens, Ivan and I walk in. Two girls are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. The oldest one looks to be twenty two. She has a black eye and some minor cuts and bruises. The other one is small, no older than seven. She seems to be completely untouched.

"Joan? Joan let us down from here," the older one pleads. Her voice is cracking and sounds unused.

"Black Winter, I want you to kill these two," Ivan says.

I look down and in his hands is a gun. He hands it to me and I take it. I point it at the older one, but something inside me doesn't want to shoot her.

"Joan! Joan, please, think about this. Your in control, not him. Don't let him win," she starts blabbering. "Think about Bucky! Think about Natasha!"

"The Winter Soldier left me. He is a trader," I say through my mask.

"No! No he loves you! He wanted you to come with him. Please fight this!" She shouts through her tears.

"Joan please don't kill her," the little girl says.

I turn my attention to her and let out a sigh. This isn't right. I know them, I know them, I know them. But I have to kill them.

"Ok, I won't kill her," I say simply.

"What?!" Ivan shouts.

"Close your eyes sweetheart," I command in Russian. The little girl does as she's told and I bring the gun to my temple.

"NO!" Rose screams.

The moment I pull the trigger I am tackled to the floor. I fall to the ground and the gun is no longer in my reach, meanwhile Ivan has me pinned to the ground.

"You are supposed to obey my orders you bitch!" He yells.

"Wow, would you look at that? Finally considered a human," I say sarcastically.

"You want to be treated like a human? Fine by me, I'll treat you like the whore you are," he says with and evil grin.

I drive my knee into his crotch, getting him off of me. I grab him by the hair and throw him into a nearby wall. I walk over to his unconscious body and grab the keys to the collars.

I undo mine and then walk over to Rose and undo hers. Immediately the chains light up into flames and she drops to the ground. I undo Anastasia's and help her down.

"Thanks for not killing me," Rose says with a chuckle, she is just hiding the fear though.

"We're breaking out. Popov is dead, this is our only chance. You all do exactly as your told, got it? We have one shot if we fail we're all screwed," I tell them.

  They both nod and we make our way out of the room, making sure to lock it behind us.

We make our way to the end of the hall. There's one guard coming, he's carrying a gun and will most likely have another one, along with a knife. I turn back around and place my finger on my mouth, telling them to keep quiet.

Once the soldier turns the corner I grab his mouth and then snap his neck. I grab the AK-47 and the hand gun, along with a knife and some money. I drag his dead body over to a closet and lock him in. I wave my hand, motioning for the girls to follow. We need to be as quiet as possible.

After maneuvering our way through the building and multiple deaths, the door is in sight. Only problem though, is the moment we get out of those doors, it will be a blood bath. Not to mention all the guards in the room and the hundreds outside of the building.

I turn around and squat down to the girls. "Ok, I'm going to go in there and take care of everyone. When I tell you to come, you both run like... like your lives depend on it. Anastasia, do you remember when we would play tag?" I ask and she nods. "It's like that ok? Don't let them touch you. Rose, protect her," I command, handing her the AK-47. She takes it cautiously and gives me a reassuring nod.

I take a deep breath and sprint behind a pile of boxes. I grab out my knife and pop my head up to see the closest one. He was just on the other side. In my crouched position, I make my way around and grab his mouth and pull him behind the boxes. The moment I do, I slice his throat, making blood pour out of the incision. I stand back up and find the other ones.

After finally making it to the door and taking down everyone in the room, I signal for the girls to come over. The sprint towards me and we all take cover behind a shelf.

"What the hell happened?" Rose asks, her face drained from all color.

"Are you two ready to run?" I ask.

  The two nod and I nod at them. Then suddenly, foot steps are heard from down the hall. Using my telekinesis, I pile the doorway with shelves and boxes.

"We need to go now!" I command.

I open the door and we are immediately welcomed by snow and soldiers. Each one turning around and pointing their guns at us. I go to the closest one and entire into hand to hand combat.

  "RUN!" I scream.

  I watch as Rose picks up Anastasia and darts towards the woods. I grab my knife and jab it into the soldiers neck five times. I grab his gun and start to shoot any and all Hydra soldiers. I grab two more guns on my way to catch up with the girls.

As I'm running, out of nowhere, I get a sharp pain in my abdomen. I stumble on my feet and keep pushing forward. I turn around and start shooting them down one by one. As I push through the trees, I end up spotting them in the distance. I meet up with them and as we're running, two helicopters are right above us.

"Rose! Throw two fire balls at them!" I command as we run.

  I grab Anastasia's from her hands and keep running as Rose shoots them down. She ends up catching back up to us and we end up sprinting to a nearby road.

"There!" Anastasia shouts, pointing her finger at a car making its way down the road.

  I hand Anastasia back off to Rose and throw myself in front of the car. The car sends me flying, leaving my suit scratched up and leaving me with road burns. The man steps out of the GMC and rushes over to me.

I signal for Rose and Anastasia to get into the car and they do. I quickly jump up and grab the man and jab my knife into his neck multiple times before hopping into the car and driving off. There can't be any witnesses, we can't get caught, not again.

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