Chapter 48

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Steves pov
"This is only the first seven years of her life. Her parents sold her to that man and she was forced to do his bidding. I can show you the after math of killing that doctor and the after math of her killing your friends family," he offers.

"I just need to know."

The image switches to a now older version, yet she only looks to be nineteen, even though that can't be right. An image of Eirkenstine's dead body is shown and then her in an office. The office around her is dark and standing across from her is Red Skull.

"You have succeeded the mission, how do you feel?" He asks, but she just stays quiet.

Then, whispers can be heard from all around.

"I wanna get out of here." "I didn't want to kill him." "I'm sorry." "I betrayed him." "He helped me." They all whisper in different accents.

"I believe I asked you a question soldier," Red Skull says.

"I'm only here to serve you, sir," she responds.

"Lies!" Says a voice.

The image cuts to her in a dark room. Joan is curled up on the floor, crying. I guess she really didn't want to do it. The image then changes and images of a bullet in between both Mrs. Barnes and Rebecca's head is shown. Immodestly the image changes to Bucky sitting at a table. On the wall adjacent to him, he watches as Joan kills the two women he loved most.

"Where is Joan?" I ask.

"She is watching him from behind. She had no recollection of doing this, so she is standing behind him. Her punishment is to watch his reaction."

I watch as the last slide appears and Bucky doesn't move a single muscle. The room goes silent and then Joan tries to speak up.

"James," she says shakily.

I watch as Bucky clenches his hands in anger.


Then the door opens and Ivan walks in. He places his hands on Joans shoulders, practically holding her down.

"Now, now. Don't lie to him little one. You know she meant it James. It was her fault, she killed them."

I watch as Ivan lets go of Joan and now places his hands on Bucky. He goes to Bucky's ear and whispers something that I can't quiet understand. Then, Ivan straightens up and leaves a gun on the table, before walking out and closing the door behind him.

Neither of them make a move, both just staring at the gun on the table. I watch as Bucky grabs it and quickly stands up and points the barrel of the gun at Joans head.

"James, I'm so so sorry. I-I didn't know. I didn't mean too," she cries. "I'm so so sorry that I hurt you. Please, please just do it," she says in a shaky voice, falling to her knees and hanging her head.

"Please, please just do it. I'm so so sorry. Do it and avenge them. I'm so sorry James. Just do it," she cries once more.

I watch as Bucky actually contemplates it. I watch as Bucky then looks at the one way mirror and then drops the gun. I watch as he walks over to Joans crying figure and he takes her in his arms.

"No," is all she gets out. "No no you need to kill me! You need to kill me! I killed your family," she shouts in disbelief.

"It wasn't you Joan," he says, cupping her cheek and whipping a tear away.

Immodestly, Joan pushes Bucky away and grabs the gun. The doors burst open as guards fill the room. I watch as Joan places the gun to her temple and the moment she pulls the trigger, Bucky tackles her to the ground. I jump back and flinch at this. I look back to the screen and watch as blood pours from her head and all over the places. Immediately it ends.

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