Chapter 31

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Joans pov
  "That was quite the fight I must say," Ivan says, walking over Rose's unconscious body. "I am quite please with the way you fought, but why? You know this is where you belong. You know that your not getting out of here. So why bother?" Ivan asks.

  "I'm sorry, just don't hurt her please," I say, looking to the floor.

  "I'm not going to hurt her, not yet at least. Besides, I could tell it was your animal instincts, I could see it in your eyes," he says. "Grab her and follow me," Ivan commands.

  Suddenly, two pairs of hands grab me and we start making our way to back to what I suppose is the room. Right before we turn the corner, Ivan stops in his tracks and turns around.

  "Take the girl to cell B126," Ivan commands before we finally leave.

  By the time we get to the room, I can't help but feel frozen. I don't want to do this.

  "Move!" The guard to my right yells.

  Ivan turns around and back hands me. "Don't make this harder than it need to be. You are nothing but a weapon. Weapons don't have feelings. Get comfortable with the uncomfortable," he says before we continue into the room.

  In the center of the room is that fucking awful chair. That damn chair has brought me nothing but pain, hurt, and suffering. Yet I was told to praise it. Told to except it. Told that it would fix me.

  We end up stopping right in front of the chair before they throw me into it. The moment I'm in it, the restraints are put in place and I am unable to move. Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm: I repeat over and over and over again. I try and relax my body, I can feel the indent's and scratched in the metal arm rest, each one from me from the past however many years. I close my eyes and let out a long breath, trying to even out my breathing.

  "What's wrong Black Winter? You seem sickly," Ivan says. "Don't worry. I'm not going to get rid of your memories. No, not yet at least. I'm just going to move somethings around."

  "Please," I all I manage to get out.

  "See, because of that stunt you pulled, you upped the time. We were just going to do what we needed to do, but now you doubled the time."

  "Please, please no. I'm sorry," my voice coming out shaky and tears threatening to fall.

  "Four hours. The first two we will be doing our work. The last two will just be pure pain at the highest level."

  "No! Please! Please I can't take that!" I cry.

  "Sir, she won't make that. That could kill her," One doctor says with a look of concern.

  "She'll be fine. I assure you. Do your thing. Once her time is up throw her in the cell with the others," Ivan commands before leaving the room.

  The moment the doors closes behind him the machine starts to act up. A doctor forces a mouth guard into my mouth and the machine place comes down. The moment it makes contact with my templates, I let out a blood curdling scream.

  The moment the machine stops, I am screaming to catch my breath. I'm covered in sweat and I can feel drool all over my lower half of my face. I can't breath, my voice is raw from all the screaming, and images after images flash through my head, making it feel like someone took a knife and is slicing a valley in the middle of my skull.

  Tears stream down my face, every part of my body is achy and tense. The moment the restraints come off, I can feel two pairs of hands on my arms. I wince at the pain, yet I can't fight back.

  As the soldiers drag me through the halls, my feet drag behind. An image of being strapped down to a table with the Avengers looking down at me flash through my brain. Then, another of Hydra saving me from what seems to be a body of water.

  I open my eyes and see a door open. The two soldiers throw me onto the ground. I can't help but curl into a ball right then and there and cry. I grab a fist full of hair, ready to rip it out, hoping that it would stop the pounding in my head, then, the voices start up.

  "Hail Hydra!" A voice screams.

  "January 28, 1961," another voice whispers.

  "Kill them now!"


  "You belong to me," the only familiar voice says. The voice, of Ivan.

  I feel someone place a hand on me and immediately I flinch away. Everything hurts, it feels like everything is on fire. Every fiber, every muscle, ready to shrivel up. Then, I can feel someone pick me up. I try to get away, but I can't. Then, they place me down on something soft and I instantly curl up into a ball, bringing my head to my knees. Making myself as small as possible.

  Images after images pass through my mind. Each one bringing unimaginable pain. Images of James flash through my mind, images of Natalia, images of Steve. No, fuck Steve! Fuck Tony!

  "No, no their good. Their good," I whisper to myself in different languages. Eventually it all goes black.

Ivan's pov
  As I make my way down to the security room, Joans screams can be heard all throughout the building. I can't help but smile. I want nothing more than to finally get my prize back. Only problem is the fact that I have to hollow it out again.

  I walk into the dark security room and walk over to all the computers. In front of the computers is Sergeant Popov. I walk up behind him, and he immediately greats me.

  "Hello sir," he says.

  I nod my head and watch as they drag the screaming girl back to the cell. They throw it in the cell and immediately the thing collapses. We watch as Rose places it on the cot and how 4920 cries into her arms. It's clear that the Black Winter is talking to its self, but I can't make out what it's saying.

  "What's going on?" I ask.

  "She's fighting the programming sir."

  "Does that mean that it didn't work?" I ask.

  "It's going to take multiple test runs, but it seams that it is working. She's just fighting it."

  "I see."

  "What do you want us to do?" He asks.

  "Throw it back in. We need our soldier back as soon as possible."

  "Sir, if we do that she'll die. Her heart rate is through the roof. If we were to carry on right now, she will die."

  I slam my hands on the metal table and stare at the screen. It's gotten weak. There's no room for weakness. But, it's no use to us dead.

  "Fine, but I expect results in the next two week," I demand, walking out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

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