Chapter 18

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Joans pov
The rest of the night was still me trying to get in. But it was no use. I wasn't getting in. I look to the clock that reads 10:38 a.m.. I lean back into the chair and let out a long breath. Then, I hear a buzz come from the computer. I look to see the Hydra logo.

"What the hell," I say under my breath.

I start typing frantically trying find out why it's on my screen. As I'm typing all the computers around me get the Hydra logo on it.

"What the?"

Then out of no where the alarms start going off. I spring out of my chair and grab my mask besides me and slip it on. I dart out the door and make my way to meet up with everyone in the common room.

I pull out one of my guns and bust through the room, scanning the room, my gun following my eyes.

"What are you doing Joan?" Tony asks from behind the kitchen island.

  I look at him as he is an aimlessly hitting at the cloud of smoke. I look at everyone confused.

"Joan, put the gun down," James says.

"There were alarms going off," I say bluntly.

"Smoke alarm dumb ass. Your being paranoid," Tony says.

"They were flashing red," I say coldly.

"Yeah, we have deaf people in the building, the lights let them know that something is on fire. Besides, if something was wrong then the lights would be flashing white," Steve explains.

"Something's not right," I say under my breath.

"Take off the mask Joan," James says.

I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. I quickly turn my gun, pointing it in the direction on where I feel eyes.

"Joan, come on," he tries again.

"Shut up," I command.

"Oh for the love of-"

"Shut. Up."

I walk down the hall and into one of the rooms. Everyone follows me into Tony's room. I walk in and check the bathroom, the closet, even under the fucking bed, but nothing. I come up empty. I then walk over to the balcony and open up the doors, once more, there are no signs of anyone being in here.

"Ok, can you get out of my room now ya psychopath?" Tony asks.

Then suddenly, I get that pounding in my head again. Not only is the pounding back, but so is the voice.

"Kill them! Kill them! KILL THEM!"

I drop the gun and grab a fist full of my hair with one hand and with the other is used to prop me against a nearby wall.

"Your worthless. You have no place in the world. Come home, COME HOME NOW!" The voice yells.

"Shut up," I say through my teeth.

"Joan, no one said anything," James says.

"Kill him, he's a traitor, he left you. Kill him! KILL HIM!"

I turn around to face James, I go to reach for his neck. Wanting nothing more than to watch the life drain from his eyes, but quickly pull back. I can feel a weight on my chest, it's all becoming too much, I can't breathe. I end up going down on both knees, both hands now clutching the side of my head.


"Joan, please, talk to us," James says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I swipe his hand away and try to stand back up.

"I can help," I hear Rose say.

''Kill her now!" The voice screams.

Then suddenly I can feel another pair of hands on the side of my head. Snapping out of it I stand up and push Rose away from me.

"Get off me!" I yell.

"I can help," she says.

"I'm fine!" I shout.

  I straighten up, grab my gun, and walk out of the room.

Once I get to the kitchen though, I get that same feeling of being watched. But between the voices and the pounding of my head, I feel like throwing up. I feel sick and dizzy.

I drop to my hands and knees, my hair falling in my face. I can't breathe. I take off my mask and throw it on the ground. I try and force myself up but I only make it halfway down the hall before my body gives out. I can make out a figure standing above me, until it all goes black.

I dart up from my slumber in a cold sweat. I can feel a pair of hands on my shoulders pushing me back down. Not in a harsh way but a soft way.

"Lay back down Joan."

I look up to see James. And over by the cupboards is Bruce. I gently push James aside and sit up. I swing my legs around the bed and with both my hands start rubbing my temples. My head feels like I have been shot.

"Joan, you need to lay back down," Bruce says.

"No, I need to find him."

"Tony and Natasha are finding him, you need to rest and get some fluids into you," he adds, walking over to me with a needle.

I dart up onto my feet and coldly say, "I'm fine. I need to find him, this is my job."

"Joan, your sick. Your body temperature is high and you were experiencing hallucinations," James says.

"I don't get sick," I state.

  I do feel weirdly cold though, and my body feels achy.

"Well then how do you explain a temperature of 107? Joan, our normal body temperature is 91, you shouldn't be any higher then 94," Bucky says.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern, but I'm fine."

"Joan, your shaking and you can barely stand," James says.

"Look, let me just give you some-''

"No! I-I mean no. I don't need any medicine," I tell them, cutting Bruce off.

"Look, I'll make a deal with you Joan," James starts, making me turn my attention back to him. "If you lay down for a little bit and let Bruce give you some medicine then I will make you the best ramen that you have ever had."

"No, look I'm fine," I say once more.

  Then I get another pounding sensation that ends up traveling down my spine. I let out a shriek and drop to my knees.


"KILL THEM! DO IT NOW! Twenty three, dusk, bomb," The voice starts.

Flashes and images pass through my head with each word. My head is ready to explode, but those words. I try to fight it back, to tune it out. I'm in control, I can't lose control, I'm in control! I end up having to go to all fours, making fists with my hands, I need to kill, I need to kill them.

"Nineteen, lost, forest."

Then it all goes black.

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