Chapter 33

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Joans pov
It's been one month, one week, and five days since we've gotten to this hell whole. Things are getting worse. Every few days they take me and try and redue my brain, scary part too though is that it's working. Everyday, I just get more and more angry at the avengers, angry at Rose, angry at everyone except the person I really should be angry at, Ivan. I have to retract my mind that it's false but my heart stays the same.

  I am currently in the cell with Rose and Anastasia. We are going to break out here in three days, I just have to make it till then. I can do that. Ana is playing a card game with Rose. How she got her sticky hands on those, I have no clue. I'm sitting in the corner, trying to get things straight.

  Suddenly, the door bursts open, making all of us jump. Standing in the doorway are five soldiers. None of them being Popov. I haven't seen him in three days. Which is starting to get on my nerves.

  "Rose and 4920, get up," the one soldier barks. Rose and Ana both look at me with looks of worry.

  "Joan?" Anastasia squeakers out. I can clearly see the fear in her eyes.

  "Now!" He demands, making his way farther into the cell. Once he get's to them, something inside me snaps.

  I run up to him and grab his neck and snap it. Then the other four rush over to me and start to throw punches, none of them hitting me. I grab the one closest to me and throw him into the concrete wall, leaving a dent and cracks that surround it. Then, another one rushes to me and goes for a kick. I grab his leg and using my elbow, I crash down on his knee, making it snap in half. Blood pours out of his leg as he screams out in pain.

  I grab the other ones head and drive it into my knee, breaking his nose. The last one sprints out of the room with fear. I stand there with my back to the girls, staring at the door like some sort of guard dog. Not long after, about fifty three soldiers fill into the hallway and some into the room.

  "Joan, stop!" Rose yells.

  I watch as Ivan walks into the room, right as he does so, everyone's guns go up and are pointed at me. 

  "Hello Black Winter. I see that you have killed some of my men. As proud as I am, I would suggest you sit back down," he says more of a command. With out even thinking, I walk back to the corner and sit down.

  "Joan?" I hear 4920 call out.

Her voice is sweet and high pitched. I look over to her and see four guards walk into the room. Two grabbing 4920, and the other two grabbing Rose. I watch as both of them are kicking and squirming out of the soldiers grasp.

  "Joan! Stop them! Please!" Rose begs.

  But I just sit there, watch them get dragged away. I can hear them yelling all the way down the hall.

  "That's a good pet," Ivan says. I watch as he walks up to me, towering over me. "We will be back in a few hours. Don't get too comfortable," he says, before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  The moment he closes the door, something inside me snaps. I quickly jump to my feet and rush over to the door.

  "No! Let them go you bastard!" I yell while kicking and punching the door. "You fu-"

Rose's pov
  Ana and I are just sitting on the ground playing cards. I keep looking back to Joan. She hasn't been the same since that night she came back screaming and crying. We actually haven't seen her in about six days, this is the first time seeing her and she hasn't said a word. As we're playing our cards, the door bursts open and with it are four guards.

  "Rose and 4920, get up," the one soldier barks.

  Anastasia grabs onto my arm and looks over to Joan who has a blank expression on her face.

  "Joan?" Anastasia squeaks, asking for her help.

  "Now!" The soldier snaps, walking closer to us.

Anastasia and I just sit there though, completely dumbfounded on what to do. Then, out of nowhere, Joan gets up and in her eyes, all I see is darkness and anger.

  She walks over to the soldier and snaps his neck without thought. I cover Ana's eyes and pull her tight to my chest. I watch as Joan throws one of the men into the wall, killing him on impact. I watch as she breaks another mans knee, making blood spew out of it. She then bashes another ones head into her knee, breaking his nose and possibly killing him. The other one rushes out of the room, not even closing the door.

  I watch as Joan just stands there with her back turned to us. Her shoulders gently rising and falling with her breath. Then, soldiers start pilling into the hallway and Ivan walks in. I can tell how she want's to kill them all. In our time here she has taught me about body language and how to read it. And right now, it's reading how she want's to kill them all.

  "Joan, stop!" I demand. Ana shouldn't see this.

  "Hello Black Winter. I see that you have killed some of my men. As proud as I am, I would suggest you sit back down," Ivan says.

  I watch as Joan walks back over to her corner and sits down. What the hell? She would never just listen to him like that. Her gaze is straight ahead, it's like she's staring through the wall.

  Then, four soldiers make their way into the room

  "Joan?" Anastasia calls out.

  Then, two guards grab us and start dragging us out of the room. Ana and I are both kicking and trying to pry ourselves out of their grasp. If I didn't have on this damn collar I would burn all of them alive.

  "Joan! Stop them! Please!" I plead as the carry us out of the room.

  They drag us to a room and in the center of the room are two pairs of chains that hang from the ceiling. They hang both of us by our wrists and leave the room. Leaving it to just Anastasia and I. What is going to happen? What are they going to do? Only time will tell.

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