Chapter 16

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Once the plane lands we are back in New York City. Back where it all began. As I'm walking down the walkway, into the building, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It's like when you come home after a long vacation and you finally are just able to be in your house and in your own bed.

As we walk into the room, everyone is standing in the doorway. And I mean everyone. Clint, Vision, Pepper, Sam, Rhody, Thor, Bruce, Fury, even Peter. In my time away I have only missed one of those people, and that's Peter. He was a dork and so sweet and innocent.

"Guys, welcome Joan back to the team," Tony introduces.

Everyone just looks at me, each one showing a different emotion on their face.

"Welcome back Joan, should I show you to your room?" Pepper asks.

"That's fine. There should be no need," I say. I never did mind Pepper, although, she was always a little too girly for me.

Then, Peter runs up to me and embraces me in a hug.

"Oh my gosh Joan," he sighs. "I've missed you so much," he adds.

He pulls away and smiles at me. Due to the mask he can't see it, but I smile back.

"I see that you finally cut your hair," he jokes, pulling a piece of it up.

"Is it that bad?" I ask.

"No! I like it, it was just super long before," he smiles.

I nod and look over to the rest of the team. Specifically Fury.

"Meeting room in five," he says, then turns away.

We all follow him shortly after. The ride up is silent and awkward. No one daring to say a word. Pepper and Peter stayed back, they have no enrollment with this.

As we walk into the conference room, we all take our seats at the table. Fury is standing up by were the projector is, casting down the Avengers logo.

"Let's get started. Joan is back as we have all seen. She will be helping us with taking down Hydra," Fury starts.

  He grabs a remote and pushes a button. On the screen shows a picture of Ivan.

"This is a picture of Ivan Mozocove. We don't have a lot of information on him. All we know is that he is currently in control. Steve, Bucky, Tony, Wanda, Nat, and Rose had just gotten back from a mission. The mission was to find him and bring him in. However, Joan was there and had decided to help us. So, that being said, what do you know about him Joan?"

"I don't think that we should be wasting our time with what he has and hasn't done. Our goal right now should be finding him and killing him."

"We're not killing him Joan," Steve says.

"That's the only way to stop him. No prison can hold him Steve," I protest.

"He won't be able to escape the raft," Natasha says.

"This man taught me everything that I know. If I can escape the raft, than so can he."

"We aren't killing him Joan. We need him alive for information since you had burned it all," Fury barks.

"If you guys would have been on top of it then you would have gotten the information that you needed. He needs to be put down. Which is what we should be focusing on. Not none of this what's his past bullshit. Leave that for after he's dead," I proclaim.

"I know it's been a while since you've last worked with a team, but we don't just kill. We have a code,'' Fury says.

"First off, we're not a team. That ship has sailed a long time ago. Second, I don't have a code. We need to find him now and get to him before he gets to us."

"What do you mean before he get's to us?" Rhodes asks.

"Now that he knows that I'm after him, he's going to come after me. If he get's me then your all dead and Hydra will have won," I explain.

"There's no way though that he'll know that your working with us," Bruce says.

"You can't be too safe with him. Besides, the deal was that I would help you find him, then we would part our ways." I just wanted to get to work and then leave.

"Listen Joan, just tell us the information that we need," Fury fights.

I get up from my chair and slam my hands against the table. "It's the same as before with you people! You need to start looking at the bigger picture! Get your heads out of your assess and grow up! Right now we need to find him before he does something ungodly!"

"Sit back down soldier," Fury says through his teeth.

I make my way over to him so I'm now standing only a mere inch from his face.

  "Let's get one thing straight here, I'm not your fucking soldier. Got it? I don't work for you anymore, so don't tell me what to do," I growl.

  I am sick and tired of this. I storm my way out of the room and down the hall.

As I'm walking I run into Peter.

"Hey Joan!" He shouts.

I keep walking though.

"Joan, wait up! I just want to talk," he says.

I stop in my tracks and wait for him to catch up with me.

"Hey, Joan. I was just wondering how you've been?" He asks.

"I've been fine Peter. You?" I ask, trying to be nice.

"I've been good, glad that I'm on winter break. How did the meeting go?" He asks.

"Fine," I say through my teeth.

"They did miss you Joan. Especially Bucky. I think that they do feel bad for what they did to you. And Rose, she's actually really nice."

"Yeah, I'm sure that they just feel awful. And Rose? Rose is an amateur, she doesn't know what she's doing."

"She's been getting better. With her fighting and mentally. I think that you should give her a chance," he adds.

"Fine, I'll be nicer."

"Thank you. Say, you hungry? MJ, Ned, and I were going to go and grab some food, do. You want to tag along?" He asks.

"Thank you Peter, but maybe next time. I need to find Ivan and get out of here. I don't have time for eating."

"Oh, ok. Well, for what it's worth it was good to see you again," he says, before running away.

I sigh and make my way to the computer room. I take a seat at one of the computers and start looking at the camera's in Moscow. I look at the ones from last night and the more recent ones. I needed to find him.

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