Chapter 26

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Bucky's pov
  "You have just gotten me back my weapon," Ivan smiles.

  "She's not your weapon. She doesn't belong to you!" I snap.

  "And the soldier speaks. That was always a problem with you. You never knew how to hold your tongue."

  "If you touch her I will rip you to pieces," I growl.

  "I would like to see you try boy. And actually, I do own it. It is property of Hydra. Always was and alway will be. Tell me American, how well do you really know it?"

  I can feel my blood start to boil with anger and hate. "SHE is not an it. Get that into your head you fucker." I follow Ivan's eyes as he bends down to me. As he does so, I spit in his face. He pulls back with a look of disgust and anger. He stands up and grabs a white cloth from his coat pocket and uses it to wipe off the spit.

  "I'll let that one slide for now. But later, it will come and bite you in the ass."

  "What do you want? Do you want Rose?'' Tony asks with anger, but Ivan jus bursts out laughing.

  "Do I want Rose?" He laughs. "No, I don't want Rose. Why would I want her when I already have one that's perfect? All she needs is a little, fixing up, so to speak. She was never going to become the next Black Winter," Ivan says, and now makes his way to Rose.

  "No, your only purpose was to find what belongs to me. No one wants you, quite sad really, not even your own mother," Ivan adds.

  "What do you mean?" Rose asks shakily.

  "Your mother was a whore, she came to me for help, and I did. I had taken you in, up until my pet had broken you out. The Black Winter had broken you out and gave you to a family. You would have been perfect, but because that small act of pity that it took, you are no longer wanted. Besides, that would be another million dollars down the drain for us. Why would I want to put more time into you?"

  "You're- You're wrong!" Rose yells, tears falling down her face.

  "Am I? You don't remember your life before me. I am many things my dear, but a liar, isn't one of them."

  "What if I give you money? Will you leave Joan alone?" Tony asks.

  "No, Mr. Stark not everything can be solved by money. Besides, why would you care? Aren't you the ones who locked her up?"

  We all look at each other confused?

  "How do you-'' Nat goes to ask but it cut off.

  "The internship for doctors. Amy was her code name. But once it left, so did she. There was no use, so then we tried to track it down, but, it's been well trained. If it didn't want us to find it, then we wouldn't. And before that, we would never had guessed that it would be with the Avengers."

  "Why do you call Joan it?" Steve asks.

  "You really think it's a person? After all the lives taken by it's hands? The Black Winter is nothing more than a puppet on strings. There is no more Joan left, she died in 43, once we killed her lover. Actually, you know what? Take Rose. I have a feeling that The Black Winter is going to need some sort of bribe to get her to corporate."

  Then one of the soldiers from behind Rose grabs her and sedates her, making her fall limp into the soldiers arms. Steve starts screaming, demanding that he lets Rose go. Not long after, all the Hydra agents are gone, leaving it to just us. The cuffs release from their locks after a certain amount of time.

  We all just sit there though, no one moving an inch. We have just lost two teammates. One, could get killed and the other could be the killer. Which was worse? I don't know. But I do know that Ivan has a strong hand on Joan, and that scared me the most. If she becomes the Black Winter again, there will be no coming back.

  "What do we do?" Clint finally asks.

  "We get them back," I say bluntly, finally getting up from my position.

  "How? Thats a lot easier said than done," Natasha says.

  "What are they going to do to her Buck?" Steve asks.

  "To Rose? Nothing that she can't recover from. She probably won't even be touched. Joan on the other hand, that's who we need to be worried about."

  "How so Barnes?" Tony asks.

  "She's been the Black Winter for one hundred years, until she got out with us. She has a strong programming, stronger than mine ever was. If she turns into the Black Winter, she may never come back to her normal self. Even in those two years of running away from them, she still acted like she was with them."

  "How so?" Tony asks.

  "Never talking unless spoken to. The fact that she still wears the suit. She never held back when we were on missions. The mask," I list.

  "So we find them and save them. We'll get them back. Do you have any idea where they could be?" Steve asks.

  "I don't know."

  "Bucky, where was she born?" Natasha asks.

  "Poland. But there aren't any bases in Poland anymore. They could have taken her to the first Hydra base she was in," I think out loud.

  "Where's that?" Clint asks.

  I look at Steve and give him a look. We both know where. It's where he had first saved my team and I. Back in Austria. But that place was blown to shreds.

  "It can't be there. That place is demolished," Steve says.

  "What place?" Tony asks.

  "I know but maybe we could find something there," I tell him.

  "Where?" Tony asks.

  "I doubt it Buck."

  "It's worth a shot."

  "What are you two talking about?" Tony shouts.

  Steve and I both turn to him. "The first Hydra base was in Austria," Steve says.

  "We might be able to find something there," I add.

  "But it was blown up in 43," Steve finishes.

  "Well mine as well try, right?" Clint chimes in.

  "Guess we're going to Austria," Steve says, about to leave the room.

  "Oh your not going anywhere, your all helping me clean this place," Tony says with his hands on his hips.

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