Chapter 29

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Joans pov
It's been a week since Anastasia and I have last met. Since then, it has been training non stop. I haven't slept yet, they don't let me, and now the check up's have started. Which is where I is where I'm heading to now. The hospital wing.

Once I get there, I take in my surroundings. Four concrete walls, cabinets and tiles on the longest wall. A metal table with metal restraints in the center of the room with a big hospital light above it. Next to the table is a rolling tray with various different tools and syringes. On the other side of the table is a pole to hang one of those drippy bags. And of course, camera's in each corner of the four by four room.

In the room stands two doctors and Ivan. All three of them are wearing a long white lab coat. The two doctors have on blue surgical masks, and white caps on.

"Have a seat my pet," Ivan commands.

I hate that name. I hate it, I hate this place, I hate this man. I want nothing more than to kill him, and I would, except for the fact that Ana's and Rose's lives are on the line. So, I go and take a seat on the cold, metal table.

"Go ahead and lay down," he commands once more, so I do.

The moment the restraints clip onto my arms and legs, my body stiffens. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. I close my eyes and let out a long breath. Just stay calm, just stay calm, just stay calm.

"What's the matter little soldier?" He's just playing with me. Just let it go.

I watch as he walks from the foot of the table to above me. He places his hands on the side of my head. I shut my eyes tight and let out another long breath.

"No need to be scared my soldier. We're just going to give you some nutrients. You've been fighting really hard and we need to get you some calories," he explains.

I open my eyes and look at him. "Then why strap me down?" I ask.

The moment I do though, he grabs a handful of my hair and slams my head on the cold metal table. I let out a grunt and Ivan is now hovering only mere inches from my face.

"You do not ask questions! And you most certainly DO NOT question me! DO you understand?!" He yells. He then backs away and brushes himself off and lets out a breath. "I am doing something good for you here," he states. "Give it what it needs and then send it to the main room," he commands.

"Yes sir," the doctors say in unison.

I hate how he doesn't see me as a person. He's always refuted to me as it, or soldier, or pet. I've never been she, or her, or anything like that. I am truly a no one here, and that's always been clear. But rather me than Rose or Ana.

After about an hour or so, I am finally done. They had given me my nutrients through a drippy bag and some liquid IV, also through a drippy bag. Man, what I would do for some of James's ramen.

The doctors undo the restraints and four soldiers walk into the room. Each one is built and the same height. All in the same uniform.

"Get up," the one commands, so I do.

The four guards escort me through the halls, when we end up stopping in front of a door that makes my blood run cold and goosebumps run down my spine. It is two big, thick, metal doors. Each one having half of a red star on it. I know all too well what is on the other side of this door.

The one soldier knocks on the door and two soldiers per door open it. The fact that it takes four people to open up the doors just go to show how impenetrable this room is.

The guards push me forward, but I can't seem to move. It's like my feet are stuck in concrete.

"Move it!" One of them yells, forcing their gun into my back, snapping me out of my trance.

No. No I'm out forgetting! Not again! I just got my memories back. Fuck this and fuck hydra! I quickly turn around and grab the soldiers gun, shooting him. The other three point their guns at me and before they can pull their triggers, I already have pulled mine. Each one drops dead and I sprint the opposite direction of the room.

As I turn the corner, there are already five soldiers there with their guns pointed at me. I quickly turn back around and hide behind the wall. I let out a breath before turning the corner and shooting them. Once their all down, I grab a pistol and an AK from one of the soldiers and sprint further into the building.

I needed to get this stupid collar off of me! Once more, I go to turn the corner and this time, instead of five soldiers, there are at least fifty. But the moment I go to run the other direction, there are about forty more on my back. I turn back around, taking in every little detail. Until, I hear that familiar voice.

"I would think wisely about your next step here," Ivan says.

I turn around to see Ivan walking through the crowd of army men with Rose at gun point. Once he's about ten feet away, he kicks in Rose's legs, making her fall to her knee's. Her hands are cuffed behind her back, and Ivan has the gun pointed to the back of her head.

"Put the gun down and the only person getting hurt is you," he says with his wicked grin.

  I don't move, I can't.

"I said put the fucking gun down or I'll shoot her!" He yells.

  I place all three guns on the floor and place my hands up.

"Joan, what are you doing?! Just kill him! You need to get out of here! You don't know what their going to-'' Rose tries to yell but is then cut off.

"Shut up you bitch!" Ivan yells, hitting her with the butt of his gun.

  She falls to the floor unconscious, and my heart drops. I wasn't getting out of this. I fucked up, and now, we were going to pay the price.

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