Chapter 27

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Joans pov
  My head is killing me, I feel like shit. I open my eyes and realize that I'm laying on a floor. It's cold, and a gray concrete. I try and get my self up, having to stop once I'm on my hands and knees. It feel like everything was spinning.

"This is all your fault."

I turn around to see Rose sitting on a bed. I roll my eyes and turn around onto my butt, shuffling over to the wall. I bring my legs up and rest my arms on my knees, throwing my head against the wall.

"I want to go home. This is all your fault," she says.

I look over to Rose's and see that she's curled up in a ball with her back facing me. She is being overly dramatic, and she is really getting on my nerves. She thinks that everything is about her, but it wasn't.

"Can you just shut up for once? Please?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"Your the reason that this is happening! It's all your fault!" She yells.

  I quickly stand up and march my way over to her and grab her by the hair,  yanking her off of the bed. I throw her into the opposite wall and pick up her limp body and pin her against the wall with my metal arm against her throat.

  "Let me go you-'' but I cut her off, slamming her harder into the wall.

  "No, this is my time to talk. So shut the fuck up and grow some balls. Their not here for you. You are of no use to them. They wouldn't spend more time and money on someone like you. Their here for me, meaning they won't touch you unless they want me to do something. And to be quite frank, I don't like you, so you better get on my good side or I might just let you die. Now go back to your corner and shut up because I have one hell of a migraine."

  I drop her body and walk back over to the corner of the four by four room. I throw my back against the wall and slide down. I can hear Rose sit back down on the bed and she lets out a long sigh.

  I rub my eyes and let out a sigh. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't want to be here any more than you do. I've been with these people long enough. And no offense, but your too dramatic. You need to calm down and actually take in the situation. Stop jumping to conclusions, it'll get ya killed."

  "You know, I was with you until the 'I'm sorry' part," Rose says.

  I look to her and see that she's wearing a smirk. "Not everything is about you Rose," I remind her, closing my eyes once more.

  "Hey how did you do that?" Rose asks.

  I lift my head away from the wall and look at her confused.

  "You made people bleed from, well, everywhere. How did you do that?"

  "I'm a telepath. I can read minds, make people see things, I can lift things with my mind. That kind of stuff," I explain.

  "Why didn't you ever use that before?"

  "Because then Hydra would be able to find me and track me down. Besides, you shouldn't rely on your powers alone."

  "Why not? I do."

  "Because one day you might get them taken away. Also you rely on them cause you can't fight. Not properly."

  "Hey!" Rose shouts, standing up from the cot. "I can fight!" She yells.

  I just roll my eyes. Then suddenly the big metal door opens. I stay in my position, but Rose quickly sits down. In, walks Ivan and five soldiers.

  "I see that you two are finally awake. That's good," he says with a smile. I can feel his gaze go to me, but I don't dare to look him in the eyes.

  "Get up," Ivan commands.

  I look up to him, still not meeting his gaze. If I really wanted to right now, I could snap his neck. But Rose's live is at stake here, not only that but then I would probably get shot to death. So I stand up as straight as my back will let me and keep my gaze to the ground.

  "Almost like you never left," he smile.

  I finally look him in the eyes and all I want to do is kill him in the most gruesome way imaginable. And I can tell that he can see that.

  "Remember your place here pet," he spits.

  The two guards come from behind me and grab my arms. Ivan then walks up to me with a power dampening collar and places it around my neck. My knees ever so slightly giving out. It's like getting your life drained from you.

  "Let her go. Follow me," he commands.

  I give Rose one last look and make my way out of the cell. As Ivan and I are walking down the hallway, all the memories from being with Hydra come flooding back. This was one of the main Hydra bases. I can tell that we are in Siberia, due to how cold it felt. Plus the smell of mildew and mold is much stronger.

  We come up to a door and walk in. It's his office. The place has dark maroon walls with a fire place on the right side of the wall. Shockingly there are windows that look out to the winter desert with dark emerald green curtains that are draped down to the floor, only leaving the light from the windows slim. Most of the light, coming from the burning logs.

  In the back of the room is a dark oak wooden desk with papers and files scattered on it, along with a plain silver lamp. On the other side of the desk are two chairs. All around the walls are book cases with files, books, and boxes. The place smelled of moth balls and cigarettes.

  I watch as Ivan walks over to his desk and sits down, meanwhile, I just stand in the door way, my legs not being able to move. I have no clue which way this is going to go. It could either go bad, or terrible, and we're hoping for bad.

  "Please, have a seat," he says, putting his hand out as he sits down.

  I walk over to the chair and pull it out for me to sit. This isn't right. He's too calm. Too relaxed. Nothing is clenched or tight, everything is relaxed.

  "Why are you so tensed soldier?" I don't answer, I can't. "Care for a drink?" He asks, pouring two glasses of vodka.

  He slides one of them over to me and we both take a swing. It sucks that I can't get drunk, cause right now, I wish I could.

"You know, I've always liked whiskey better," he says.

"Cut the bullshit Ivan. Why am I hear? I know what you want with me, so, why are we in your office?" I demand.

"Well, I got you back. You had ran away so I just wanted to give you a drink before the hell really starts. Also to tell you that if you don't do as your told, Rose and a very special little girl will die."

"Wait, do you mean-''

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