Chaptrr 47

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Joans pov
After about two days of training, and tones of complaining, I'm starting to get annoyed. It could partially be because of the sleepless nights, but the kids are starting to get on my nerves.

As I make my way down to the kitchen, I grab myself a mug and pour myself a pot of coffee. I look to the stove clock that reads 6:38 in bright neon letters. I lean against the counter and let out a sigh. I haven't really seen Anastasia that much recently, apparently she's been hanging out in the art class.

My ears perk up at the sound of heavy footsteps. I can tell that their not Bucky's, or Steve's. From around the corner, Logan walks into the kitchen. He looks at me and gives me a grunt and I just nod my head. Honestly, most people would find that rude or annoying, but seeing as I am not a morning person, or just a people person, this is the best greet.

  I watch as Logan pours himself a cup of coffee, then he leans against the countertop adjacent to me. We both sip on our coffee, never leaving eye contact.

  "Good morning Logan," a woman says.

  We don't even bother to look. I can see her just fine in the side of my eye and as she pours herself a pout of coffee. She has long, bright white hair that goes down to her mid back. Her skin looks as if it's been kissed by the sun. She turns around once she's finished pouring her coffee, and that's when Logan and I finally break contact to look at the woman.

  "What?" Logan snarls.

  "Nothing, nothing," she says, taking a sip of her coffee.

  She's about 5'9, 137 pounds, and about mid thirties. I believe she is the one that people call Storm.

  "Really? Cause you have that look on your face?" Logan pushes.

  "Yup, I'm just going to head out. Just don't kill each other, 'k?"

  We both watch as she leavers and makes her way out of the room. The moment she leaves we go back to staring.

  "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" I question.

  "Who are you?" He asks.

  "Why?" I ask.


  "That's not an answer."

  "Sure it is."

  "Fuck you."

  "No, fuck you."

  "Language Logan!"

  We both look to the doorway and see the Professor wheel himself in with Steve and Scott trailing him behind.

  "How often do you forget that their are children around here?" Scott asks with a chuckle.

  Logan just growls and walks away. Yeah, that's right. Fuck, you.

  "Joan, what was that all about?" Asks Steve.

  "That's Logan for you. A broody, asshat with daddy issues and memory problems," I say before taking the last sip off coffee and placing my mug in the sink. I then make my way out of the kitchen.

  "Tell the kids to be ready right after school," I yell from outside the kitchen.

Steves pov
  Joan has been training the kids twice a day for two days straight. The poor kids always come out covered in sweat and bruises. While she's been doing that, Rose has been helping out Jean and the two of them have been practicing their telekinesis. She really has come a long way and I couldn't be more proud of my girl.

  Ana has been sitting in on some of the classes, she's really smart for her age. Me, Buck, and Tony, have been trying to hack into some of Hydra's data base and try to find out as much as we can before that guy makes it here. As I roll out of bed, and I make my way down to the kitchen.

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