A Weird Child

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Hey! It's me Cylob!

So turns out I got summoned to Re:zero, into Rimuru's body no less. And let me tell you. You have NO idea how uncomfortable it is to suddenly be in another body, even walking is goddamn annoying. Oh wait, it's oddamn annoying here isn't it? Hehe.

Surprisingly tho I feel like I'm gonna get used to it in about 7 days. Which seems way too fast... and how do I even know the estimate? Whatever, no use thinking about it.

Aaanyway, my first moments were just like Karsten IF, which I found interesting.

Subaru is also here.

But the problem is that I, most likely, don't remember the loops, which is...fair.

Anyway, I'm not gonna interfere with the story until the 3rd arc, cus I wanna save Rem and Crusch.

But for that I'm gonna need to get stronger.

Thankfully, Wilhelm, for some reason, decided to train me, so at least I'm not gonna be a useless meatshield.

Hey who knows, maybe I've got something like predator, I just haven't unlocked it yet.


Time to get to the serious stuff.

Thankfully I don't need food, water or sleep, so money's not a problem. But... this world has a lot of death... and I'm gonna have to get used to it. I think the White whale is gonna be a good place for that, but I'm not sure if I'm ready or not...

I don't even know whether the White whale's memory erasing works on me.

I'm pretty sure I have about a month before the archbishop encounter.

Thankfully in anicipation of this, I created a fake name for myself 'Cylob(Cyan+blob) Protsav(Protect+save)', that's gonna be pretty useful against gluttony. Though I gotta admit, calling it fake doesn't sit right with me. I like it quite a lot, so it's not a fake name it's a new one.

And for greed I just need to not give up and I'll be fine... I hope.

I'm not sure whether my existence was predicted in the Tome of wisdoms or gospels, so I'm gonna have to be careful about that.


It's been about 5 days and I finally found a spy capable enough.

In these 5 days Cylob has been working quite a lot, I mainly give him manual labour, since he's quite strong for a child his age, and sometimes it almost seems like he has inexhaustable stamina. Whenever he has the chance, he tries to be with Wilhelm, and Wilhelm doesn't mind. They've both taken quite a liking to each other.

I asked Wilhelm, and it seems like his talent with a sword is only a little better than average, but his instincts and quick thinking make up for that. Even Wilhelm is sometimes surprised by his ability to quickly analyze the situation and act accordingly. For example: when he understands that he's getting backed into a corner he will deliberately take a hit to get back into a good position, even making a little counterattack on the way if he can. I watched them train once and was surprised by Cylob's weird and seemingly inhuman movements.


He's definitely not normal.

From the way he acted on the first day I understood that he was far away from home, so the fact that he can spend so much time helping me makes me wonder where he gets enough money for daily necessities.

Actually, after the first day he seemed like a completely different person.

His eyes held extreme determination, and while he still was worried and nervous, he was much less so than on his first day. He's less cheerful and more serious now, but I'm pretty sure he was just overly cheerful on his first day here. Actually, on his first day, it almost seemed like he was trying to make a new personality for himself, but later decided that it would be a bad idea, that's how big of a change it was.

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