After The Attack

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???: "There. All patched up."

???: "Thanks, Hirugh."

Hirugh: "No problem, Derev."

Derev flails around his arm which just had new bandages applied.

Dever: "Heh. If it weren't for you, I'm pretty sure I would've been dead by now. And it's not only me."

Hirugh: "Don't say such things. Besides, all I can do is basic wound treatment. I can't even cast magic."

It was already noon and that was the situation in a certain house which is now being used as a sort of hospital for people who got hurt during the mabeast attack.

Of course people who couldn't walk were given treatment in their house, but that's besides the point.

I don't even want to think about the fact that the person who lived there is dead now.

I was walking around and surprisingly it wasn't that uncomfortable. You might be asking why it should be uncomfortable and the answer to that question is the fact that right now I'm the size of an actual child.

I still haven't fully recovered, which isn't surprising. I mean, I got reduced to such a small size that I could fit in one hand.

Thankfully, I had a spare part in Seira's pocket, so that's a plus.

Why did I have it there? Turns out, when I left to stall the mabeasts, I instinctually left a part of me in Seira's pocket to make sure I could protect her when the time is right.

That was actually the reason I could use Beelzebub from so far away. I used the part as a catalyst.

I tried to make another one with those properties and I succeded, but it takes about one minute to setup and whenever I use it, I become a little bit smaller and weaker, you also need to give it some mana to keep it alive.

It's not like I can regenerate the lost part either, because I have to keep the connection between me and the part. And regenerating the lost part will break that connection since my body goes: "Hey this guy doesn't need the connection to that faraway part, he has this one that is close." so it just breaks the connection.

It's a situational ability that I will probably never use, but hey, it's cool... I guess. I decided to call it 'Cellular Division'.

Anyway, onto the more important topic: My clothes automaticly fit my size. That means that even tho I'm a child right now, my clothes perfectly fit me. My sword is a different story tho...

I used to brush it off, but it's time to finally accept it: I grow.

My maximum size becomes bigger and bigger. Even tho the growth is slow, it's still there.

And my sword seems to grow with me. It doesn't fit whatever size I'm at, it fits whatever my max size is.

This means that using my sword at my current size would be incredibly difficult.

And it's yet another reason to not use Cellular Division.

The more I think about it the more useless the ability becomes. It's kinda like me in that way. There I go with self-deprecating thoughts again. I can never get rid of them no matter what I do, it seems.

Right now I'm carrying the sword in my stomach. Another fact that I forgot to mention previously: putting my clothes or my sword in my stomach doesn't require any mana.

But enough about me, let's talk about what happened after the attack.

After everyone went to congratulate the White Dragon's Scales on their victory, we found out that they were severly damaged.

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