Start Of A Real Battle

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I slowly open my eyes. The light is bright, but my eyes quickly adjust to it.

I slowly sit up.

I lift up my hands until I can see them.

They're there. Everything's fine.

I could feel some lasting pain and a kind of static feeling in them.

I close and open them multiple times to make the feeling go away, but it doesn't.

It's never this easy and fast, is it?

I look around the room I'm in.

It was small, but fancy. Multiple expensive decorations were in place. It looked kinda like Subaru's room in the Mather's mansion, but way more luxurious. Everything you would need for a good life in was here:

A closet to hide skeletons in. A table and a chair to write in a language no one can understand. A beautiful chandelier to shed light on things you want people to see, and to make shadows even darker for things you want to hide. A bed to laze around in all day. And a window to the outside world, through which if you looked from the outside, you wouldn't be able to see much of the inside of the room, but if you looked from the inside, you would be able to see a lot of the outside.

The bed was so comfy that I didn't want to get out of it at all, but I knew better than to let that stop me from being productive.

I stood up from the bed only to realize something.

Oh... I'm completely naked.

I walked up to the closet, opened it and saw my usual clothes in there. They were still damaged, but I didn't care.

I put them on, and then poured my mana into them to fix 'em.

There, all nice and fixed now.

I moved around a bit to make sure everything was fine, and once I was sure that I and my clothes were completely fine, I picked up my sword from the table and exited the room.

What greeted me outside was the oh so familiar interior of the Karsten residence.

It was only then that I decided to look outside. The sun wasn't setting, but it was already going down.

About... 6 pm I'd say.

I look at the time crystal in the Time Tower. It was completely blue, which confirmed my suspicions.

So I've been asleep for about 4 hours, considering it's not the next day that is.

It was then that I noticed Felix walking through the coridors in my direction.

I wave my hand towards him.

Felix: "You're already awake?"

Cylob: "Nope. I'm just sleepwalking."

Felix: "Hehe. Well, since you can joke around, that myeans that you're fine nyow, right?"

Cylob: "Mhm. I have a static feeling in my arms, but other than that, I'm fine." I hold up my arm and rotate it around.

Felix: "That's good to hear." He seemed genuinely relieved. "You weren't joking when you said that your composition is nyothing like a regular human. It was so different that I wasn't even sure what to do at first. I panyicked quite a lot, you know?"

Ah, that's right. This was the first time I didn't heal by myself.

Cylob: "Well, I can't do anything about my body composition, so... sorry I guess?"

That Time I Started A Life In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now