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Yosai was much more distinctive than Obuch.

The most eye-catching thing was that the half of the village that was facing the forest was protected by a wall.

Everything inside was very different as well. All of the people's lives have been made to fit the 'danger'.

But it wasn't like this from the start. This village used to be just like every other village, until the mabeasts' attacks started happening.

Nobody knows when or why they started happening, all that's known is that this was the turning point for this village.

At first it was abandoned. Who would want to live under the threat of those monsters after all?

But then the mabeasts started attacking the other closest settlement, so to combat the danger from these mabeasts, Yosai was rebuilt from the ground up.

At first they didn't make it a village, they made it a fortress that was only needed in the season the mabeasts would go crazy.

But the mabeasts ignored the fortress. What was the point of hunting hard food, when there was easy food not too far away?

It was then that Yosai was forced to become a village once again. The mabeasts need some insentive to go here after all.

This was also the reason it was such a big village in both size and population. The insentive has to match the danger or else it won't be worth it.

But let me ask the question on most of your minds... does all of this even matter to the story?

Not really.

The person whose adventure we are following doesn't know any of this and never will.

But that doesn't mean that this description is something that must be ignored.

Of course some people would see this as a waste of time, but some will see it for what it is and appreciate these small little tidbits.

But we cannot spend too much on this 'worldbuilding', as that would take us too far away from the main story.

So let us follow our little protagonist once more.

He's the main star of the show after all.


Shinyu: "It's so big!"

We were looking out of the carriage at Yosai.

Cylob: "What did you expect? A plain fortress?" I look at him.

Shinyu: "Kinda. I mean... it's dangerous there, is it not? Why not just make it a fortress?" He turns to me.

Cylob: "Mabeasts need mana to live. Is there going to be a lot of mana in a small fortress with a small amount of people?"

Shinyu: "I guess not..." He slowly starts understanding.

Cylob: "They would either have to make it a village, or find some other way to make a lot of mana. The village path is much cheaper, but also harder. There has to be some value in making a village here specifically, and there also has to be a good reason for people to live here after all."

He blinked with a straight face a couple of times.

Shinyu: "It's impressive how much you know about stuff like this."

Cylob: "It's called common sense." I look at him with the most poker face I can.

Shinyu: "I don't really think it is..."

That Time I Started A Life In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now