Town Meeting

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It had been a couple weeks since Christmas and the hospital. Life had become normal again.

Now, Rory and I were sitting at a table in Luke's, waiting for Lorelai to come back from her date, so we could go to Town Meeting.

"Phew!" Lorelai said, plopping herself down at a seat. She took off her hat and scarf and called Luke over. "Coffee, please!"

"You know, you're going to get sick if you keep drinking like an addict," Luke said, pouring coffee for Lorelai.

"Oh, we're already past the point of addiction," Rory said. Luke looked at me and I shrugged.

"Don't look at me, I'm a new addict," I explained, sipping my coffee. Luke sighed and walked away.

"So? How was dinner?" Rory asked. Lorelai had been out on a date with Mr. Medina.

Lorelai smiled. "It was great, but I don't know. I want to end it with him."

Rory almost spit out her coffee at that. "What do you mean? You can't break up with him now! That'll just be awkward at school then."

Lorelai gave a look of pity.

"It's just not working out anymore. Something bad will happen if we keep going. He's not really supposed to be dating me anyway. Some 'no teachers dating parents thing'!"

"Yeah, that's pretty reasonable," I said jokingly, not that Rory found any of this funny.

"Mom, please. I thought you liked him," Rory groaned.

Lorelai sighed and drank her coffee. "Can we talk about this later? It's time for the best part of the month! Town meeting!" She ran up to the counter.

"You wanna come with us, don't you?" Lorelai asked Luke, who looked at her, unamused.

"You know there is nothing more I would like to do that to listen to Taylor and Miss Patty argue about the next upcoming holiday," he started, sarcastically. "But I'm busy tonight."

Lorelai scoffed. "You wouldn't come even if you weren't busy." She flipped her hair and slammed her cup on the counter.

"Let's go, girls. We're not wanted here."

Rory and I left our cups and followed our mother out of the diner. We started to head to Miss Patty's, where there was already commotion. We found seats next to Sookie, but I stood with Leo and Lisa in the back.

When Leo kissed me, I felt like the most lucky girl in the world, except for Lisa who seemed to be jealously glaring at us.

"Okay, folks, settle down," Taylor said from the stage. "We have business to get to."

"Okay, Taylor!" Lorelai yelled loudly.

"First things first, Mrs. Lincoln said that someone has been eating her carrots," Taylor started to say, before an old woman interrupted him.

"And radishes!" She yelled.

"And radishes," Taylor continued. "So I would like to remind whoever did it, that is trespassing and is disrespectful to Mrs. Lincoln and everyone who helped her plant the food."

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Lucy?"

"Is it in any way possible that an animal ate her greens?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"How dare you think I'm lying!" Mrs. Lincoln rasped. For a moment, I thought she was going to wack me with her cane. "I saw someone creep into my garden."

"O-ok, calm down Mrs. Lincoln," Miss Patty said from behind Taylor. "We'll send someone to your house to assess the damage."

I was about to wack the woman with her own cane when I thought I heard her say, "children these days."

"Old people these days," I murmured.

"Anyone have anything to bring to the town?" Taylor asked, holding his gavel.

"Actually, I do," said Kirk, standing up from a front row.

"What is it, Kirk?" Taylor sighed. Kirk was the man child of the town, to say the least.

"I am currently unemployed. If anyone has a job opening, I would love to fill it," he said. I looked at Leo, confused.

"Um, don't you have a job, Kirk? Many?" Gypsy asked. Kirk sighed.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Gypsy. I've only ever had one job at a time," Kirk started. "And I was recently fired. So, I need a new job."

Then, Andrew spoke up. "Kirk, I fired you because you have so many jobs! You were just wasting space!"

"Okay, settle down, Andrew," Taylor said. "Kirk, I think I speak for everyone when I say that no one is giving you another job. So make your own."

Kirk stuck his chin up and sat down. "Maybe I will."

When the town meeting was done, Leo, Lisa, and I walked out. Leo was pressing his hand to his temple.

"Well, that was hectic," he said. Lisa nodded.

"Yeah, once Miss Patty got Taylor and the Rushmore twins to settle down about the theft, it was fine," she said, crossing her arms. She checked her watch. "I have to go."

"Okay, do want me to walk you back?" I asked.

"I can," Leo said. "She's on the way to my house." Then, Leo went toward me to give me a kiss. I could still feel Lisa stare.

I ran to Lorelai and Rory and we talked about the meeting. After, we went home and watched Sixteen Candles, while I did homework.

A couple days later, Kirk started selling homemade Stars Hollow mugs.

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