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Melanie and Sam, both 6-month-old babies, were lying in their crib. Their mother, Mary, got up to check on them, seeing a male figure next to the crib.

"John, are they hungry?" The man shushed her, without turning around. "Okay." Mary sighed and headed to her room, stopping in confusion when the light in the hallway began to flicker.

She tapped the light bulb until the flickering resolved, but her frown deepened when she heard the sound of the television in the living room and she walked downstairs, seeing her husband asleep in the couch.

The woman's heart began to pump vigorously as she quickly climbed the stairs, heading towards her babies' nursery.

"Mel, Sammy!" She exclaimed in panic. She stopped at the door of their nursery, and her scream could be heard throughout the house, which woke up her husband.

"Mary!" John shouted, going up the stairs where his wife had recently gone up. He entered his babies' room, but there was nothing. He assumed it had been a bad dream. He walked over to the babbling babies, smiling at them despite his heavy breathing. "Sammy, Mel. You okay?" The man let out a low laugh, bringing his hands to the little ones' cheeks.

His breathing stopped when a drop of blood landed on both of his hands, and he decided to look up at the ceiling to see where it came from. The man screamed in panic when he saw his wife on the roof with her white dress covered in blood.

"No! Mary!" He sobbed, letting out another scream as his wife's body began to burn. Both babies began to cry, causing John to pick them up and leave the nursery, not letting his sadness get to his children. As he walked out into the hallway, his four-year-old son looked at him in panic.

"Daddy!" Dean exclaimed, coming closer to him.

"Take your siblings outside as fast as you can. Don't look back." The man ordered and the little boy obeyed, holding both babies with difficulty. "Now, Dean. Go!" The child ran out of the house, not understanding anything of what was happening.

He had to hold his siblings tighter when his arms began to tire, but he stopped in the garden and watched as the nursery burned.

"It's okay." He said to his siblings, staring at the window. His father quickly came out as well, carrying Dean with one arm, as the boy still carried his brother, and Melanie with the other, running towards his car just as the house exploded.

None of the four kew the tragedies that night would bring to the family.

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