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The group walked through the entrance to Neil's office. The room appeared to be deserted until the suspect caught sight of them entering the area, his head lifting up slightly as he noticed their presence.

"What are you guys doing here?" Neil inquired upon observing the group's presence, his tone conveying a hint of bewilderment that was accompanied by a slight note of concern.

“You know, I've heard of people doing some pretty desperate things to get laid, but you -- you take the cake.” Dean's response was laced with a mild degree of incredulity and sarcasm.

"Okay. Who are you guys?" Neil enquired, his voice indicating a mild and somewhat dismissive apathy that seemed to be directed towards the people addressing him.

"You might want to ask Angela that question," Melanie countered, her words carrying a hint of snark as her gaze seemed to suggest an accusatory nature.

"What?" Neil responded, his eyes flashing with confusion as he processed Melanie’s statement.

"We know what you did. The ritual. Everything," Sam said firmly, his eyes meeting the suspect’s as he firmly made his statement in a way that made it seem as though there would be no room for denial or excuses.

"You're crazy," Neil responded, his tone adopting a dismissive overtone as he uttered the words in a manner that indicated his intent to discount their accusations.

"Your girlfriend's past her expiration date and we're crazy?" Melanie posed, her words portraying a certain amount of derision as they were accompanied by the subtle expression of disbelief.

"When someone's gone they should stay gone. You don't mess with that kind of stuff," Dean subsequently stated, his tone conveying a more somber and ominous air in contrast to Melanie’s sardonic remark.

"Angela killed Matt. She tried to kill Lindsey," Sam stated, his words filled with bluntness and straightforwardness as he made the accusation.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Neil responded, continuing his pattern of dismissal as he denied any involvement with or knowledge of the occurrences to which the group was referring.

Melanie subsequently moved to the front of the room, her finger pointed directly at Neil’s face as she gripped the collar of his shirt.

"Cut this crap, you asshole. Matt’s blood is on your hands. Now, we can make this right, but tell us where the fuck she is!” Melanie’s voice was characterized by a palpable intensity and aggression as she let her wrath and indignation flow forth in the form of harsh words, her grip upon Neil’s shirt apparently growing tighter as she made her demands.

"My house. She's at my house," Neil replied, his attitude shifting from one of casual dismissal and disinterest to one of pure fear and terror as the severity of his situation became clearer. Melanie promptly loosened her grip and released her hold on his collar, letting him go. Her gaze continued to bore into him, however, her expression signaling her continued displeasure and distrust in spite of her decision to back away.

Dean's eyes then drifted to the dead plants that surrounded the group, briefly taking them off Neil as his gaze scanned the room before returning to him. He shook his head, a seemingly disapproving gesture that was intended to express his disbelief in regards to the suspect's words.

"You sure about that?" Dean posed a skeptical inquiry as he eyed Neil, who seemingly exhibited nervousness and apprehension in response to his words.

Melanie issued an infinitesimal nod in the direction of the nearby closet behind Neil, her siblings slightly sighing as they witnessed the subtle gesture.

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