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On a dark night, Melanie was lying in her bed, struggling to fall asleep. As the sky was pitch black and the night was silent, she began to feel a weird sensation around her. It started as a small chill running up her spine, quickly escalating until she felt like she was being watched. Suddenly, she saw something that horrified her. In her mind's eye, she saw a man dying from car exhaust, gasping for breath and slowly fading away. The vision was so vivid it felt real, sending Melanie into a panic as well.

Her heartbeat began to quicken as she frantically gathered her belongings into a bag, quickly throwing it in her car and immediately driving off. She had no idea what was happening but couldn't help feeling terrified by the vision she had experienced. She kept driving, not thinking about anything else but getting as far away as possible from wherever she was. Her destination was Michigan, and she didn't know if the vision had anything to do with it but she didn't want to stick around and find out.

She had arrived too late. When she pulled up in front of the house that had appeared in her vision, there were people and police there, talking amongst themselves about suicide. The police were investigating the scene and the general atmosphere around the house was somber and uneasy. Melanie could barely breathe, feeling a deep sense of guilt that she hadn't been able to make it in time. She also felt a rush of panic as she realized the vision was the same as the real situation, which only worsened her emotions.

 She also felt a rush of panic as she realized the vision was the same as the real situation, which only worsened her emotions

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Melanie dressed up as a nun, appearing at the house of the recently deceased to empathize with his family. Of course, it was all a facade, she wanted to get to the bottom of things and find out what had caused his death. She had her reasons for doing so, and she felt determined to find out the truth. She was there to do a job and she intended to do it properly.

Melanie was invited in and offered some appetizers, which she graciously accepted with a smile. She was determined to play her part, and she was glad they were being hospitable towards her. She did not want to draw any unnecessary attention or suspicion, so she had to be as polite and amiable as possible.

"Oh, this is delicious!" she said with her mouth full, still maintaining her cheery demeanor. She made sure to eat slowly and carefully, as to not appear rude or inhospitable. She wanted to win them over and earn their trust, and so far it was going well.

"I'm glad you like it, sister Thayer." The woman said, smiling at Melanie and seeming genuinely pleased. She appreciated the compliment and it made her feel more at ease. Now all she had to do was keep the conversation going and stay friendly without being too clingy or intrusive.

The woman left the room to get more appetizers, leaving Melanie alone for a moment. She suddenly noticed two men appearing with the woman. Her smile fell as she quickly stood up from the sofa, her eyes widening in alarm as she saw the two men. This was not what she had expected at all, and she felt a rush of fear as she looked at them closely.

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