Melanie's mind slowly began to come back to focus, waking up in the gentle grip of Austin's arms as she began to remember last night's wild passion, the heat of their embrace still lingering in her mind. Her gaze shifted slowly as she took a full inventory of her surroundings, the last memories of the night before rushing back to her in a torrent of emotions and sensations.

"Oh, God." Melanie whispered softly as she realized just how wild their lovemaking had been, her underwear being thrown to the ground along with the rest of their clothes from last night.

Melanie slowly rose to her feet, discreetly getting herself dressed in silence as she moved to leave the room. She stopped for a few moments at the sight of Dean's awkward position while attempting to catch up on his precious sleep on the couch, letting out a quiet chuckle at the sight of his uncomfortable situation.

As Melanie continued to make her way further into the room, her movement slowed to a stop as she stopped to take in the sight of Jo seated on top of the kitchen counter.

"Hey." Jo replied nonchalantly to Melanie's approach, still sat on top of the counter as she sipped her own drink.

"Hey." Melanie responded back reluctantly and awkwardly, fetching herself some water. Jo had shifted her attention from enjoying her drink to studying some documents and blueprints while keeping her hands occupied by playing with her knife absentmindedly.

A groggy and disoriented-looking Dean began to slowly wake up, groaning and catching the attention of both girls.

"Morning, princess." Jo greeted Dean in his groggy morning state with a teasingly condescending tone.

"Where's Sam?" Dean asked, his voice still filled with a drowsy haze from his incomplete sleep as he made the sudden realization that his younger brother was not yet in the room.

"Went to get coffee." Jo informed Dean in response to his inquiry about his younger brother's whereabouts, her focus still primarily on her knife as she toyed with it between her fingers.

"Ugh. My back. How'd you sleep on that big soft bed?" Dean inquired looking at Jo.

"I didn't. It was busy." Jo stated simply, her attention returning to her knife as she continued to toy with it.

Melanie cleared her throat silently in response, her gaze shifting down to the plastic glass in her hands as she contemplated the water within.

"It was busy?" Dean repeated, his brows raising as he realized the implication of what Jo had just said, especially with the knowing glance she had shot towards Melanie. "Oh..."

Melanie simply sighed quietly, avoiding eye contact with the pair as she attempted to mask her embarrassment. Austin emerged from the room fully dressed and made his way over to the trio, quietly clearing his throat and ignoring Melanie's visible blush as she tried to appear unaffected by their previous romp inside the room.

"Morning." Jo greeted Austin with a slightly amused tone.

"Morning." Austin responded back in an awkward way, the memories from before still fresh in his mind, evident in his sheepish demeanor.

Dean eyed Jo consideringly, his gaze shifting from her to the Bowie knife in his hand before placing the weapon onto the table and handing it over to her, hilt-first.

"Here." Dean said softly, his tone carrying a slight edge of caution as he passed the blade off to her.

"What's this for?" Jo inquired in response, her brows raising slightly at the unexpected gift, though the slight edge of caution was still evident in her voice.

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