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The trio of siblings were conducting their final rite for John, burning his body and giving him a hunter-like funeral, the only light present coming from the burning body itself

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The trio of siblings were conducting their final rite for John, burning his body and giving him a hunter-like funeral, the only light present coming from the burning body itself. Standing behind, with their hands in their pockets, were Sam, Melanie and Dean, as they looked on at the solemn process. Sam appeared to be near tears and fidgiting, his facial expression marked by his distress, while Dean looked on with a stony gaze, with his gaze fixed upon the flames, and Melanie allowed herself to break down in weeping, as she mourned her father's loss.

Melanie always had a strained relationship with her father, with a large number of arguments and exchanges of off-color words between the two. But now, she felt a sharp pain in her chest, as if she had lost an important part of herself, since, after the loss of her parents, she only had the love and company of her brothers.

"Before he.. before, did he say anything to you? About anything?" Sam broke the silence by looking at Dean.

"No. Nothing." Dean replied simply, refusing to meet the gazes of his siblings, as Melanie raised her gaze towards him, placing her hand on his shoulder in an act of comfort and support.

Of course, all three were suffering, a reality that was captured in the expression of each of them, with Melanie being able to notice that Dean was the most affected by the unfortunate situation, as he was the one who had the greatest admiration for their father.

Dean wasn't shedding tears, but his anger and annoyance at the situation was something that could be perceived without much effort, as if he were emitting waves of negative energy and anger as it passed around him.


Dean was under his car, working inside it, the only parts of his body that were visible being his legs, as his siblings approached him.

"Hey! How's the car coming along?" Melanie addressed her brother with a smile on her face, with her voice showing a soft and kind tone, as if trying to lighten the burden of the current situation.

"Slow." Dean responded with a simple word, as he held his position under the car.

"Yeah? Need any help?" Sam joined the conversation, asking a simple question as he walked to the edge of the car to see how his brother's work was going.

"What, you under a hood? I'll pass." Dean answered with a somewhat sardonic tone, while he got rid of something heavy that was in his hands, in a gesture that seemed to have been loaded with exhaustion and annoyance.

"Need anything else, then?" Melanie continued to try to keep the atmosphere light, with a simple question, as her hands dug into the pockets of her jeans.

"Stop it, guys." Dean, with an angry and frustrated tone, stood up from his position under the car, as if his siblings' interpellations were bothering him and taking away his patience.

"Stop what?" Sam and Melanie replied, both with expressions that conveyed their confusion and lack of clarity as to what Dean was asking of them.

"Stop asking if I need anything, stop asking if I'm okay. I'm okay. Really. I promise." Dean responded with a firm tone, in which his frustration was palpable, with a tone in which he seemed to be seeking to persuade and convince his siblings rather than simply asking them to stay away from him.

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