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Sam, Melanie, and Dean were exiting the Impala, the vehicle stationed in front of the Roadhouse

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Sam, Melanie, and Dean were exiting the Impala, the vehicle stationed in front of the Roadhouse. Melanie readjusted her jeans, groaning as she did so.

"Y'know? If there's one thing that sucks about hunting, it's not being able to do it wearing a dress." Melanie stated, a tone of aggravation and discontentment present in her voice.

"Only one thing?" Sam scoffed in response, his tone revealing a certain degree of indignation regarding her sentiment.

"Yeah. I'd love to hunt in a dress." Melanie repeated with genuine conviction. "I'd look awesome."

"Like Catwoman." Dean opined, a faint grin spreading across his face.

"She doesn't wear a dress." Melanie countered, her tone indicating a slight disdain for the comparison.

"But she looks awesome. I mean--" Dean attempted to clarify his statement, his words laced with some degree of embarrassment.

"That's weird, Dean. Shut up." Melanie chastised with a hint of amusement in her voice. Sam chuckled at the exchange, finding amusement in the interaction between his brother and his sister.

"Anyway. Los Angeles, California." Dean began.

"What's in L.A.?" Sam inquired in response, his tone conveying a curious and inquisitive mindset.

"Young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult." Dean relayed, his tone indicating a level of seriousness.

"Yeah? Girl got a name?" Melanie asked in response.

"Katie Holmes." Dean stated simply, though the reference was not lost upon his siblings.

"That's funny." Sam exclaimed as he laughed.

"And for you, so bitchy." Melanie retorted, her tone tinged with amusement.

Their laughter was interrupted by the disturbing sounds originating from inside the roadhouse, the breaking glass and shouting voices immediately capturing their attention.

"Of course, on the other hand — catfight." Dean remarked with a facetious tone, attempting to add a comedic edge to an otherwise worrying and distressing scenario. The trio entered cautiously, making their way into the roadhouse and coming upon the scene of Ellen and Jo engaged in a verbal altercation.

"I am your mother, I don't have to be reasonable!" Ellen proclaimed passionately, attempting to establish her parental authority.

"You can't keep me here!" Jo argued back, her opposition to her mother's statements equally intense and determined. Austin appeared in the midst of the argument, seemingly siding with his sister and crossing his arms in defiance and protest against their mother's statements.

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