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Sam and Dean were together, both of them remaining silent as they observed the strange occurrence unfolding before them. Suddenly, a blonde woman materialized next to them, her eyes being completely black and devoid of light and color. She raised her hands, and for a few moments, a dark, invisible force enveloped the surrounding area. The force suddenly surged with an immense intensity, sending Dean flying up into the air, despite the woman's lack of physical contact with him.

 The force suddenly surged with an immense intensity, sending Dean flying up into the air, despite the woman's lack of physical contact with him

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Melanie gripped tightly onto the steering wheel as she guided her vehicle at a high speed towards Bobby Singer's house. The vision that she had just witnessed remained vivid in her mind, fueling her resolve and spurring on her quest.

Despite the speed at which she was travelling, her attention never deviated from the road, and she remained completely focused on maintaining control of her vehicle.

As she approached the destination indicated by the vision, her heart began to pound at a feverish pace, a sign of the anticipation and trepidation she felt at the prospect.

Melanie pushed through the doorway, shoving it open with her shoulder as she entered the house. Once inside, she found herself face to face with the same female figure as the one that had appeared in her vision, standing motionless in front of a demon-trapping paint.

The woman was breathless, her body heaving heavily with every inhale and exhale. The present individuals were taken aback by her sudden arrival and the sight of her out of breath from the apparent exhaustion she had undergone.

"I had- Who the hell is she?" Melanie muttered, stunned and bewildered by the presence of the woman standing before her.

"Who are you?" The unknown blonde inquired in return, her voice laden with a menacing undertone as she sported an insidious grin. She was restrained, her hands and feet bound to a chair, leaving her vulnerable and unable to defend herself.

"What are you doing here?" Dean asked his sister, his tone carrying a sense of confusion and uncertainty as he tried to fathom the rationale behind her unexpected arrival at the premises.

"I saw her." Melanie replied, her expression hardening as she recounted her perspective of the scene she had just witnessed. "She was about to kill you."

"Oh, is this what I think it is?" The demon exclaimed, her tone dripping with condescension and derision as she smirked broadly. "A little family reunion? And I'm the one who caused it! I'm so happy!" She uttered in a distinctly flippant and sarcastic tone, clearly intending to twist the knife with her sardonic words.

Bobby entered the room, his presence eliciting a sense of relief and comfort with his arrival, although he remained wary of the tension and animosity that had seeped into the atmosphere.

"I sealed the doors and windows. If there are any demons out there, they ain't getting in." Bobby clarified, turning to face Melanie with a sense of confusion. "What are you doing here?"

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