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The trio proceeded to march forward, their pace becoming a little more purposeful as they traversed the path ahead of them. As they came close to a section of trees, Dean suddenly halted the progression of their expedition, prompting Sam and Melanie to pause immediately as well.

"Think I know what Meg meant by Sunrise." Dean remarked softly, his tone carrying a subtle hint of caution and apprehension as he stared at the building ahead of them, his facial mannerisms betraying his inner turmoil.

Sam and Melanie followed the older Winchester's line of sight, swiftly scanning the building ahead, their gazes halting upon the sign that was affixed to its exterior, which read 'Sunrise Apartments'. The structure was currently surrounded by a multitude of children as well as the elderly, an observation that initially intrigued the three young hunters.

"Son of a bitch. That's pretty smart." Dean spoke, his expression and tone conveying a hint of admiration at the demon's cleverness. "I mean, if these demons can possess people they can possess almost anybody inside."

"Yeah, and make anyone attack us." Both Sam and Melanie chimed in with their similar sentiment, speaking at the same time.

"Okay, stop doing that." Dean spoke, his gaze shifting towards his two companions as he sought to persuade them into ceasing with their simultaneous responses.

"Shut up." Melanie replied dismissively, rolling her eyes as she turned her gaze towards the building that stood before them. "We can't kill them – a building full of human shields."

"They probably know exactly what we look like, too. And they could look like anybody." Sam concurred with a concerned expression upon his face, voicing his valid worries as he continued to contemplate the potential complications that they were likely to face.

"Man, this sucks out loud," Dean remarked, conveying a profound sense of disapproval.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Sam echoed his brother's sentiment, appearing to share in his discontent with the situation as he muttered in agreement.

"Alright, so, how the hell are we going to get in?" Melanie inquired, her tone carrying a slight tinge of frustration as she anticipated the complications that might stem from their attempts at ingress.

With a brief glance toward the building at hand, Dean attempted to carefully consider his options, his expression displaying a certain degree of concentration as he mulled over the possible approaches that they could take.

"Pull the fire alarm, get out all the civilians." Dean suggested with tactical aptitude and foresight.

"Okay, but then the city responds in, what, seven minutes?" Sam spoke, a hint of uncertainty lurking within the depths of his tone as he attempted to accurately estimate the potential response time.

"Seven minutes exactly." Melanie stated with an air of calm and unhindered confidence.

Dean and Melanie remained still as they awaited Sam's prompt action, allowing the younger Winchester to initiate the procedure of pulling the alarm and evacuating the civilians, with the objective of reducing the potential collateral damage that might occur as they pursued their demonic quarry.

As the people inside the premises began to react to the pulled alarm, the fire brigade rapidly arrived at the site, taking up positions and preparing to tackle the potential emergency.

Dean and Melanie approached two of the firemen who currently occupied the area as they awaited information regarding the status of the event.

"Hey, what's happening? Is it a fire?" Dean inquired, his manner feigning an overt sense of worry whilst attempting to maintain a plausible guise of confusion.

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