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Once they had returned to the bar, the four individuals found themselves at a shared table, engaging in a lively conversation as they consumed their drinks. The waitress, who had been assigned the duty of serving them, provided another round of beverages. Dean reached for his wallet, seemingly prepared to cover the cost of this additional round.

"No, no, I got it." The man, Gordon, declared his decision to cover the expense of the next round of beverages, despite Dean's insistence on contributing.

"Come on." Dean protested the decision, as he attempted to maintain his position as the one who should take care of the payment.

"I insist." Gordon reaffirmed his commitment to covering the expense of the additional round of drinks for the group. He then proceeded to direct his attention towards the waitress, who had just delivered the beverages. "Thank you, sweetie. Another one bites the dust." He raised his shot glass after the waitress departed, as he made a seemingly playful reference to the previous confrontation with the vampire.

"That's right." Dean appeared to embrace Gordon's comment, as he drank a toast along with him. Sam and Melanie, however, remained seated and passively observing the scene, with their arms still criss-crossed in an expression of reluctance.

"Dean." Gordon let out a hearty chuckle. "You gave that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, my friend." Gordon praised him further, using a rather casual expression to acknowledge the brutal nature of the encounter.

"Thank you." Dean simply returned the praise, acknowledging his accomplishments in a rather straightforward manner.

"That was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful." Gordon appeared to be enamored with the violence he had just witnessed, expressing his appreciation through vivid rhetoric.

Melanie, on the other hand, seemed to be expressing a more negative stance, as she scoffed at the previous exchange. Sam followed suit.

"Yep. You all right, Ann? Sammy?" Dean checked in on his younger siblings, following the previous reaction from them. The man, Gordon, remained engrossed in the interaction between the Winchester siblings, as he took notice of the slight discord that had just erupted around them.

"I'm fine." Sam responded with simplicity, despite the evident tension that remained in the air. Melanie, however, merely continued to stare at Dean, with her expression of disapproval still evident.

"Well, lighten up a little, Sammy." Gordon advised Sam, with the expectation that he would loosen up and engage in a more joyful demeanour.

"They're the only ones who get to call me that." Sam responded in a serious tone, clearly indicating that Gordon's attempt to employ a more casual nickname for him was out of place. Melanie expressed pride by way of a smile at such a show of authority from her twin.

"Okay. No offense meant. Just celebrating a little. Job well done." Gordon expressed.

"Right. Well, decapitations aren't my idea of a good time." Melanie finally spoke up, as she conveyed her thoughts on the brutality that had occurred earlier, and thus, her lack of appreciation for the situation as a whole.

"Oh, come on, guys, it's not like it was human. You've gotta have a little more fun with your job." Gordon expressed a perspective that was evidently opposite to the attitude that the Winchester twins displayed. They remained unamused by his attempt to get them to indulge in the violent nature of their work.

"See? That's what I've been trying to tell them. You could learn a thing or two from this guy." Dean, appearing to share Gordon's disposition, indicated his approval of his perspective, as he made reference to his siblings.

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