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Dean took it among himself to shepherd his siblings into the car, keeping Melanie in the back seat as she rubbed her head, while Sam sat next to him in the front passenger seat as he started the car.

"Max is doing it." Melanie and Sam both stated simultaneously, causing Dean to look at them in a mix of surprise and confusion.

"Are you sure 'bout this?" Dean asked, unsure of the accuracy of this vision.

"Yeah, I saw him." Sam agreed, confident in the images they had both experienced.

"How's he pulling it off?" Dean inquired, trying to understand how it was possible for Max to inflict harm upon others from a distance.

"I don't know. It seemed like telekinesis." Melanie surmised, although such a claim seemed far-fetched. "The fucking knife was...flying."

"So he's a psychic? He's a spoon bender?" Dean joked, expressing his doubt and confusion at the idea of Max having telekinesis.

"I didn't even realize it, but this whole time he was there. Outside the garage when his dad died." Sam realized.

"In the apartment, when his uncle died." Melanie said, calling attention to another incident during which Max had allegedly been the source of someone else's death. "He was the dark shadow."

"These visions. This whole time we weren't connecting to the Millers. We were connecting to Max." Sam said. "The thing I don't get is why, man. I guess, because we're so alike?"

"What are you talking about? He's nothing like you." Dean argued, denying any similarities there was between his siblings and Max.

"Well, the three of us have psychic abilities. The three of us--" Melanie was interrupted by Dean, who clearly disagreed with her claim.

"The three of you what? He's a monster. He's killed two people and he's gunning for a third." Dean snapped back, growing frustrated with their willingness to empathize with the child killer.

"Well, with what he went through, the beatings… to want revenge on those people, I'm sorry, man, I hate to say it, but it's not that insane." Sam sympathized with Max.

"Yeah, but it doesn't justify murdering your family." Dean countered.

"Dean--" Sam was about to reply when Dean immediately interrupted him.

"He's no different than anything else we've hunted. Alright? We gotta end him." Dean declared, showing no leniency towards the troubled child.

"We're not gonna kill Max." Sam protested when Dean stopped the car outside of the house.

"Yeah, then we hand him over to the cops and say 'lock him up, officer. He kills with the power of his mind'?" Melanie replied in a sarcastic manner. "Look, I hate this, but there's no other way." Dean pointed at Melanie, indicating that he agreed with her statement.

"Forget it. No way, man." Sam refused, vehemently denying the idea of killing Max.

"Sam--" Dean started, but he was interrupted by his adamant brother.

"Dean." Sam scoffed. "He's a person. We can talk to him. Hey, promise me you'll follow my lead on this one."

"All right, fine." Dean acquiesced, although he did not sound entirely enthusiastic about the arrangement. "But I'm not letting him hurt anybody else." He then took out a gun from the glove compartment, which served as a stark reminder of his intentions.

The three of them got out of the car and begun to approach the front door. Dean used his shoulder to suddenly fling open the door, revealing the inside of the house. 

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