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The trio silently approached Gallagher's blue van, aiming to observe him undetected from behind the vehicle.

"Not exactly an inconspicuous ride. Let's have a look." Dean commented as they circled Andrew's blue van, peering through the back.

Dean pulled a small crowbar from his jacket and began prying at the back door. As it opened, a loud sound resembling pornography music filled the air. The interior was an interesting sight to behold. A disco ball hung from the ceiling, while fur rugs and a giant tiger painting adorned the walls. Alongside various thick books and an oversized bong were multiple large jars filled with a green leafy substance, its familiar scent lingering in the air.

"Oh. Oh, come on. This is... this is magnificent, that's what this is." Dean commented, his admiration for the decor clear in his tone.

"Not exactly a serial killer's lair, though. There's no... clown paintings on the walls, or scissors stuck in victims' photos. I like the tiger." Melanie added, expressing appreciation for the artistic touches within the interior.

"Hegel, Kant, Wittgenstein? that's some pretty heavy reading, guys." Sam commented, referring to the philosophy books in the van.

"Yeah, and uh, and Moby Dick's bong." Dean added sarcastically.


The trio sat in the parked Impala, Dean and Melanie engrossed in eating their foil-wrapped meals, while Sam was intently poring over a pile of papers, his focus evident as he absorbed the information.

"Ugh." Dean uttered, as he had an aversion to the food that he and Melanie were eating. "You know, one day I'd love to just sit down and eat something I didn't have to microwave at a minimart." he added, expressing his longing for a better eating experience.

"I'd love to cook in a kitchen that's mine." Melanie added, putting down her food beside her.

"You don't even know how to cook." Dean countered.

"I do! I know how to make homemade pizza." Melanie insisted.

"What I don't get is the motive. I mean, the doctor was squeaky clean, why would Andy waste him?" Sam said, changing the subject with his question.

"If it is Andy." Dean suggested, continuing the doubt.

"Dude, enough." Sam responded in a firm tone to shut down Dean's skepticism.

"What?" Dean questioned.

"The doctor was mind-controlled in front of a bus. Andy just happens to have the power of mind control. You do the math." Sam retorted, emphasizing the connection between the doctor and Gallagher in his explanation.

"I just don't think the guy's got it in him, that's all." Dean defended.

"Well, how the hell would you know? I mean, why are you bending over backwards defending him?" Sam asked insistently, challenging Dean's stance.

"'Cause you're not right about this." Melanie interjected, lending her support to Dean's doubts.

"About Andy?" Sam scoffed in disbelief at Melanie's statement.

Andrew abruptly made a dramatic appearance, appearing beside Sam's open window and leaning in to slam his hands on the door sill.

"Hey! You think I haven't seen the three of you? Why are you following me?" Andrew's words carried a haunting echo, the sound resonating in a peculiar manner. This left Dean staring at him stunned.

"Well, we're lawyers. See, a relative of yours has passed aw-" Sam began, his speech interrupted abruptly.

"Tell the truth!" Andrew snapped, his voice echoing, his words carrying an undertone of suspicion and defiance.

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