The four of them were outside; Sam and Austin, both equipped with a metal detector; and Dean and Melanie, each holding a shovel. They conducted a search of the streets of Philadelphia. The four of the, followed the trail into an open field, where Sam and Austin suddenly halted as the metal detectors emitted high-pitched whines.

"Here." Sam indicated with a firm nod, the sound of the metal detector indicating that they had possibly found something significant.

Dean immediately set his bag down and began to excavate with urgency, Melanie quickly joining him in their efforts. After a modest amount of excavation, they uncovered a metal trapdoor, which they managed to pry open, exposing what lay beneath.

Dean handed Austin a shotgun and procured another one for himself, taking a flashlight as well. Melanie took a shotgun as well and handed it over to Sam, retaining another one for herself as she proceeded down below ground, the other three close behind her.

The group moved forward through the basement of the building, eventually coming into contact with the spectral apparition of Holmes facing them. The sound of Jo attempting to scream was audible, her efforts interrupted by the tight grip of Holmes' hand.

"Hey, Casper!" Melanie exclaimed, aiming her gun at Holmes as he turned to face her. Upon doing so, she unleashed a powerful shot that struck him directly in the chest, sending him flying backwards and out of sight.

"Jo?!" Austin called out, his voice revealing his concern as he quickly sought out his sister.

"I'm here!" Jo exclaimed, confirming her presence within the confines of the jail cell. At the same time, Dean moved to a nearby iron bar, which he began to forcibly manipulate in order to free Jo.

Melanie proceeded to move around the cells, taking note of their contents. One compartment held several severed body parts, which made her grimace with disgust. In another compartment, she found a second girl, Teresa, whose wellbeing she investigated. Sam, meanwhile, chose to move behind her in order to monitor any changes in the situation.

"Hey. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?" Melanie spoke calmly to the young girl, whose face was marred by fear and horror. She made sure to communicate her calming attitude in an attempt to reassure the girl.

"Mel!" Dean's voice prompted Melanie to glance back in his direction, where he held the bar, attempting to hand it to her.

Austin and Dean worked together to facilitate Jo's escape from the confined space, supporting her and attempting to keep her calm. Meanwhile, Melanie assisted Teresa with her own extraction, helping her to step out of the enclosure with the support of her twin.

"You all right?" Dean inquired gently, his tone conveying some level of concern and care as he addressed Jo. At the same time, Melanie and Sam escorted Teresa to join the group.

"Been better. Let's get the hell out of here before he comes back." Jo responded, her tone conveying her desire to depart quickly while displaying a degree of resilience despite the harrowing events she had just endured.

"Actually, I don't think you're leaving here just yet." Dean spoke to Jo, whose expression shifted to one of surprise and confusion.

"What?" Austin's tone expressed his confusion and concern at Dean's sudden words, which contradicted the prior assumption that their departure was imminent.

"Remember when I said you being bait was a bad plan?" Dean repeated his earlier words to Jo, this time with a more direct tone, which conveyed a sense of conviction. "Now it's kinda the only one we got." A dismissive chuckle and a sharp exhale quickly escaped Austin's lips in response.

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