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Melanie slowly awakened in the hospital, her arm secured in a splint and casting

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Melanie slowly awakened in the hospital, her arm secured in a splint and casting. She took a few moments to recollect her surroundings and orientation, while nursing the pain and soreness that accompanied her injury. As her consciousness began to return, her gaze remained fixed on the unfamiliar and unusual medical apparatus that now encased her limb, the sensation of which was new, yet rather unpleasant. Meanwhile, the dull throbs and aches that she felt throughout her body, served as unwelcome reminders, of the severity of her condition.

Melanie attempted to speak, but found her throat unable to emit any sounds, as the sudden pain that swept through her body upon attempting to utter a single word, remained quite intense and unbearable.

Melanie frantically attempted to locate a call button that would enable her to hail the nurses, as the need to summon their presence became quite apparent. Upon finally spotting the button, the young woman took immediate action to press it.

In a relatively short span of time, the nurses arrived to assist her, accompanied by a distressed and worried Sam.

The nurses attended to Melanie, providing her with a glass of water that the young woman quickly and eagerly drank to quench her thirst, after lengthy hours spent in a state of unconsciousness.

"Where's Dean? Dad?" Melanie groaned hazily, as her voice was weak and hoarse.

"Dad's awake. I haven't seen him yet." Sam sat next to her, as he spoke in a gentle and reassuring tone.

"What about Dean?" Melanie inquired, with growing concern and uncertainty, while Sam bowed his head and sighed, a gesture that signified a rather grim and ominous reality. "Sam?"

"They say he has signs of cerebral edema. He still hasn't awakened." Sam informed her, as he looked down at the bed.  Melanie gasped upon hearing this information, as she attempted to rise from the bed, but the sudden movement caused her to experience a searing sensation and elicit a look of discomfort and pain upon her visage. "Take it easy." Sam advised her with a calm and placid demeanor, as he lightly laid his hand upon her arm to restrain any further movement, while he urged her to relax.

"Shut up." Melanie replied in a terse and abrupt manner as she made another attempt to lift herself from the bed, and this time she was successful in doing so, despite the evident pain and discomfort which manifested itself upon her features.

She embraced the robe, ensuring that it covered her body effectively as she proceeded to walk out of the room with a degree of difficulty, while Sam kept close, following her with a pace that matched her own.

"This one." Sam uttered, as he came to a halt in front of a particular door.

"Does he look too bad?" Melanie whispered, her voice tinged with a palpable hint of apprehension and worry as she peered through the slightly ajar door to take a light glance at her brother's state. She was afraid to go in.

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