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The trio was situated inside of the Impala, with Dean attempting the arduous task of forcibly circumventing the ignition system and thereby achieving a successful start. Throughout the endeavor, he was clearly enduring a considerable degree of discomfort, which was evident through his expression.

"I can't believe this. I just fixed her up, too." Dean remarked, as he expressed his exasperation at the sudden complication. However, his frustration was partially assuaged when the car finally began.

"Finally." Melanie murmured, as she adjusted herself comfortably within the backseat.

"So the bridge, is that, uh, is that all you got?" Dean queried.

"The bridge was four and a half minutes from their farm." Sam replied, supplying the pertinent information that he had attained.

"How do you know?" Melanie inquired, voicing her confusion regarding the source of Sam's precise knowledge.

"I counted." Sam responded, confirming the basis of his intelligence. He then proceeded to trace a route upon the map which lay across his lap. "They took a left out of the farm, then turned right onto a dirt road, followed that for two minutes slightly up a hill, then took another quick right and we hit the bridge."

"You're good." Melanie complimented with a proud smile.

"You're a monster pain in the ass, but you're good." Dean agreed, simultaneously expressing his frustration with his sibling, while also acknowledging his intelligence.

They had been traveling for several minutes. Melanie exhaled with visible resignation as she looked outside through the window, her expression evidencing her dismay. Dean stared at him for a moment, through the rearview mirror, then turned his perspective toward the road.

Finally, they arrived at the farm, the trio wielding weapons as they exited the car. Inside the structure, Gordon had a girl restrained on a chair, who was undeniably a vampire.

"Sam, Melanie, Dean. Come on in." Gordon invited the trio, as he attempted to maintain a calm facade despite the tense situation.

"Hey, Gordon. What's going on?" Dean inquired, trying to convey a composed exterior in the face of the fraught circumstances.

"Just poisoning Lenore here with some dead man's blood. She's going to tell us where all her little friends are, aren't you?" Gordon posed, his tone conveying a sardonic undertone as he directed his question at the restrained vampire. "Wanna help?"

"Look, man --" Dean began, only to be immediately interrupted by Gordon.

"Grab a knife. I was just about to start in on the fingers." Gordon proclaimed, as he dragged the knife across the vampire's forearm, leaving an evident laceration.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, let's all just chill out, huh?" Dean tried unsuccessfully to diffuse the tense atmosphere, which Gordon seemed intent on sustaining.

"I'm completely chill." Gordon responded nonchalantly, seemingly unaware of the severity of his own actions, which were quite incongruous with his relaxed tone.

"Gordon, put the fucking knife down." Melanie demanded, as she took a step towards the antagonistic vampire hunter, before her trajectory was abruptly halted with a firm grip on her arm, courtesy of a concerned Dean.

"Sounds like it's Mel here needs to chill." Gordon affirmed, continuing to maintain a casual demeanor, even as he addressed Dean's concern for his sister.

"Just step away from her, all right?" Sam interceded, referring to the defenseless Lenore, who appeared to be in a vulnerable state.

"You're right. I'm wasting my time here. This bitch will never talk. Might as well put her out of her misery." Gordon elaborated, brandishing a significantly larger knife, which seemed to herald the impending demise of the female vampire, who remained tethered to the chair. "I just sharpened it, so it's completely humane."

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