2. Him

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Krishav's age- 21
Indore, 6:00 a.m.

Krishav's POV

Knock knock...
Ding dong...
Knock knock...
Ding dong...

There is no peace for this man. "Rukja bhai" I said. I approached the door and unlocked it. And Here's my fucker friend Dev.

"Hello jaaneman" he said and gave me a hug. "Why do you keep hugging me when we meet every day? Aur jaaneman hogi Teri girlfriend" I said taking his hands off of me.

"Haan toh usi ko toh bol Raha hoon" He stated as he drew nearer to me in a seductive manner.

"Oyee, stay away from me" I said in an obscene manner. He burst out laughing.

"What prompted you to grace my doorstep at this ungodly hour?" I inquired, my steps purposeful as I made my way to the gymnasium, the cool morning air invigorating my senses."I needed to speak with you," he replied, his footsteps echoing softly behind me, barely audible over the rhythmic beat of my own.

With a playful smirk, I hoisted myself up onto the pull-up bar, my muscles flexing with each graceful movement. "Speak away," I encouraged, the steady rhythm of my exercises a backdrop to our conversation.

Clad in nothing but sleek black knee-length shorts and sturdy athletic shoes, I embraced the simplicity and elegance of my attire, every movement a testament to strength and grace intertwined.

Clad in nothing but sleek black knee-length shorts and sturdy athletic shoes, I embraced the simplicity and elegance of my attire, every movement a testament to strength and grace intertwined

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"Well, listen, some of the guys from our class have this idea to go on a trip before the finals," he began as I transitioned into push-ups, the rhythmic movement syncing with our conversation.

"Udaipur, to be specific," he added.

"And?" I prompted, pausing briefly to sip water from my bottle as he settled onto a nearby bench, seeking my opinion on the matter.

"I think we should join them," he continued, eyes earnest as he awaited my response.

"Hmm... I'm not so sure. With finals looming, we should focus on preparation," I countered, reclaiming my bottle and taking another sip.

"But don't you think a break would clear our minds for the exams? Besides, you're a top scorer, a little relaxation won't hurt your grades," he reasoned, his optimism infectious.

"How can you be so confident?" I questioned, a hint of skepticism in my voice.

"You're my rock, my dear. If I can't be confident in you, then who can I trust?" he replied, a grin spreading across his face.

"Don't 'dear' me, okay?" I teased, playfully wagging my finger at him.

"Fine, I'll 'dear' you all I want," he countered, mimicking my gesture with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

I sighed and said " bhaad me ja" and then I immediately started making my way to my room to get ready for college, I heard him say " wahan bhi tere saath jaunga" before going.

After a refreshing shower, I dressed effortlessly, slipping into my attire with practiced ease. With shoes neatly adorned, I glided into the kitchen, effortlessly commencing breakfast preparations, each action a graceful ballet of culinary finesse.

 With shoes neatly adorned, I glided into the kitchen, effortlessly commencing breakfast preparations, each action a graceful ballet of culinary finesse

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Krishav's outfit

Krishav's outfit

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Dev's outfit

He was sprawled on the living room sofa, lost in the glow of his phone screen, while I whipped up some sandwiches. The smell of freshly toasted bread filled the air, adding a cozy touch to the morning.

Sitting down to eat, our conversation took a lighthearted turn, filled with jokes and laughter that brought warmth to the room. With breakfast done, we headed off to college, the sun peeking through the windows as we strolled down the hallway towards our first lecture on corporate law.

As we walked, I noticed a few glances thrown my way, but I brushed them off. These college crushes meant little to me—I knew they were more interested in my father's wealth than anything else. Love? Nah, just a distant concept to them.

Seated now in the canteen, the topic of conversation turned to the impending trip—a venture I had reluctantly agreed to, persuaded by Dev's unwavering enthusiasm. With just one lecture remaining before our departure, anticipation simmered in the air, mingled with a hint of apprehension.

"Hmm... Udaipur," I murmured, the name rolling off my tongue like a whispered promise of adventure and discovery, as I pondered the journey that lay ahead.


How did the chapter go, then?
Since this is my first novel, I hope you all enjoyed it.
I'm hoping it works out nicely.

Thank you ❤️

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Follow me on Instagram @evarately for spoilers and edits.

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