8. Wait

592 38 1

14 February.

Krishav's POV

" Ohh!! So you're a CA aspirant?" I asked as we were seated on a bench.

"Yeah!!" She said smiling a little.

We are discussing each other. seeking to learn more about one another.

Yes, I wanted to get to know her, which is why I initiated this conversation.

Friendship is the first page of love.
I want to be friends with her because of this.
I want to know more about her.

For this reason, I began by introducing myself, my field of study, Where do I live?, which city I am from?

I didn't want her to think that my connection with my parents isn't right, so I told her everything about myself aside from them.

My parents and I have a connection that is neither excellent nor terrible.

Despite the fact that we are from Jaipur, my parents live in Mumbai for work, and I reside in Indore for college.

My father loves his business, more than me.

That's why, he doesn't miss me. He never called me to enquire about my well-being. And Mom, she does occasionally call me. She asks about how my studies are going, do I need some money?

Do I miss them?
Nah, I don't know.

We miss what we feel. And how can we miss what we don't feel?
I never felt the love of my parents. They never made me feel that way.

They have fulfilled the responsibility of being parents. They have met all of my needs by getting me into a reputable school and college.
But what I always yearned for, the love of my parents, they couldn't get me.
That's what I needed the most.

But now, I no longer need it.

" Rish, back to earth" she said making me feel her presence.
Wait, what did she just call me?

" What did you just call me?" I said making my facial expression serious.
" Umm, Rish?.., if you don't like it then I will not call you that" she said feeling scared as I almost yelled at her.

Dumb Krish, you don't need to scare her.

" No, you'll call me that and Only you'll call me by that name" I said feeling happy and smiling a bit.

" Ohh!! Okay" she said smiling sheepishly.


" So, what were you saying?" I asked her.

" nothing "


"Hmm.. nothing "

"Achha, so tell me what you think about being in a relationship ? I mean, Have you ever thought about getting into a relationship?" I asked her.

" No, relationships are not my thing. And I've never thought about it too" she said.

" So, you don't believe in love?"

" I didn't say that" she said innocently.


" You, believe in love, right?" I asked.

" Yeah, I do. I do believe in love but not in a relationship."

" And why so?" I asked her feeling curious.

" Because I don't believe in relationships and even if I did, I still wouldn't get into it." She said.

" Why?"

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