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Krishav's POV

As I settle into the comfort of my office chair, the warmth of the setting sun casting a soft glow around me, my thoughts drift back to the moments shared with my Sweetheart and her friends yesterday.

Each memory is a vivid tableau of her infectious laughter and playful demeanor.

I can't help but smile as I recall the sheer joy on her face as she interacted with her friends, her laughter ringing like bells in my ears.

The way she moved through the bustling streets, her energy lighting up the world around her, left an indelible mark on my heart.

But it was when she paused to select those jhumkas, her expression a mix of concentration and delight, that I found myself utterly captivated by her beauty.

Every furrow of her brow, every playful pout, only served to deepen my admiration for her, and I stood silently by her side, in awe of her presence.

A swell of pride fills my chest as I remember the subtle gestures of care and affection I extended towards her - carrying her shopping bags, ensuring she stayed hydrated.

Others noticed our closeness, teasing us about the undeniable bond we shared, and though she dismissed it as mere friendship, I longed for something more.

The evening on my penthouse terrace was a whirlwind of laughter and camaraderie, but amidst the chaos, my gaze remained fixed on my girl.

Her expressions, her laughter, her every word - they held a magnetic pull that I couldn't resist, drawing me closer to her with each passing moment.

When she mentioned her craving for ice cream, I seized the opportunity to make her smile, to bring a sparkle to her eyes.

And as I glanced back at her before leaving with the others, her serene smile etched in my memory, I felt an overwhelming desire to protect her, to shield her from any harm that might befall her.

Despite the insistence of the others to accompany me, Shrey, Aarav, and Brownie remained behind. I stole one last glance at her, her expression so peaceful, so tranquil, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of longing in my chest.

Later at Ice Cream Parlor Aditi's words about My baby catching a cold after indulging in ice cream echo in my mind, a reminder of her vulnerability despite her outward strength.

Without a moment's hesitation, I made sure to purchase some medicines for her, a small gesture to keep her safe and healthy.

Later, as I dropped off Aditi, Anvi, and Brownie at her hostel, I couldn't ignore the tension in the air, the unspoken words hanging between us like a heavy cloud.

Her flushed cheeks and nervous demeanor hinted at the conversation she wanted to have, a conversation I suspected would be about us.

My heart raced with anticipation as I waited for her to speak, but our moment was interrupted by a call from mom.

Though the interruption left our conversation unfinished, I could sense that she had something important to say, something she had been holding back.

Today, as I sit in my office room at my penthouse, thoughts of her consume my mind.

I know she wants to talk, to finally express what's been weighing on her heart, and despite the uncertainty of what she'll say, I'm determined to be there for her.

Whatever she wants to discuss, whatever feelings she harbors, I'll wait patiently, because deep down, I know that our connection runs deeper than words can express.

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