4. Brownie

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Krishav's POV

Someone is putting their hands on my shoulder while they try to rouse me up from slumber. I turned to the other side without opening my eyes. I sensed that someone was trailing behind me.

When I opened my eyes and threw back my head, I saw the same biker girl, giving me the most breathtaking sight of my life.

She has red and white bangles on her hands, a small bindi in the middle of her eyebrows, kajal in her eyes, a green saree on, a mangalsutra around her neck, and a tiny bit of lipstick on her lips, henna on her hands.

She has red and white bangles on her hands, a small bindi in the middle of her eyebrows, kajal in her eyes, a green saree on, a mangalsutra around her neck, and a tiny bit of lipstick on her lips, henna on her hands

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(Replace these green bangles with red and white bridal bangles.)

For a fleeting moment, it felt like my breath had ceased. I found myself out of bed, drawn towards her. She glanced back, her smile a radiant contrast against the morning light.

Suddenly, I stumbled over something, jolting awake with a curse. 


It had only been a dream—a dream of her.

"We just met yesterday, Krish. You've only seen her," my inner voice mocked. "She doesn't even know you, and yet she's haunting your dreams."

"God, just let me see her again," I murmured, looking skyward before sitting on the edge of my bed, checking the time on my phone—it was 5:01 a.m.

After a quick bathroom visit and a change into workout gear, I headed outside. The cool morning air greeted me as I exercised, eventually settling on a bench.

Footsteps approached, and I turned to see her again. She wore grey bottoms and a dark blue jacket.

She stood nearby, engrossed in capturing the sunrise on her phone—a moment of natural beauty framing her elegance.

As she turned, our eyes met, and my heart raced. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a bun, her rose-blushed skin enhancing her striking features—long eyelashes and a mole on her right cheek.

She gave me a look as though she was thinking about something.She turned away from me and went for a jog.

I couldn't find the words I wanted to say. I could only watch her, captivated.

"Why didn't you say anything, Krish?" my mind chided. "You wished to meet her, and now you're speechless."

My phone interrupted my thoughts with a call from Dev.

"I'm outside the hotel, just working out," I answered.

"Alright, get ready quickly; we're leaving after breakfast," Dev replied.

"Coming," I replied, heading back towards the hotel, my mind still lingering on her.

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