22. Strange Messages.

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Jeeva's POV

Yesterday was one of those rare, perfect days that I'll treasure forever.

 My heart leapt with joy when I saw my friends standing outside the library, their faces lighting up as they spotted me. 

They had traveled all the way from Udaipur to Indore just to see me. 

The months apart seemed to vanish in that instant, replaced by the warmth of our reunion, haan pata hai sirf 2 mahine hi hue hai par fir bhi, I was missing them.

 I could hardly believe they were really here.

Later, we found ourselves at the basketball court, and as we dribbled and passed the ball, a wave of nostalgia hit me.

 Playing basketball with them after the whole 2 months was exhilarating. The rhythm of the game, the familiar shouts of encouragement, and the sheer fun of it brought back so many memories.

 My muscles ache in that satisfying way they do after a good game, but my spirit felt rejuvenated.

Today, we spent the entire day together, and it was like breathing fresh air after being cooped up for too long.

 I took a day off from coaching without a second thought—I knew this was worth it. We laughed and caught up over breakfast, reminiscing about old times and sharing new stories.

 It felt like no time had passed at all.

Every moment with them was a gift. We explored the city, tried new foods, and even got a little lost, which only added to the adventure.

We talked about the things that've changed in these two months and our worries, our triumphs and setbacks.

Being with them made everything seem lighter, more manageable. The bond we share is something incredibly special, and today reaffirmed that for me.

As the day drew to a close, we sat together under the stars, feeling the cool breeze of the Indore evening. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Their visit was a reminder that no matter the distance, true friendship endures. 

I hugged each of them tightly, silently thanking them for coming all this way to see me. 

Today was a beautiful reminder that I'm never truly alone.

Rish, Dev, and Aditi are also here, making the day even more special.

Dev and Aarav have been cracking jokes all day, keeping everyone in fits of laughter.

Their humor is infectious, and I can't remember the last time I laughed this much.

Earlier, Aditi, Anvi, and I explored Sarafa Bazaar, shopping for jhumkas and other trinkets. The vibrant market is alive with colors and sounds, and we lose ourselves in the excitement of finding beautiful pieces.

Later, we indulge in delicious paani puri, savoring each tangy bite while sharing stories and enjoying the bustling atmosphere.

Krish is incredibly attentive throughout the day. He keeps reminding me to drink water so I don't dehydrate, showing his care in the sweetest ways.

Even though my shopping bags aren't heavy, he insists on carrying them for me.

 His thoughtfulness touches my heart, and I can't help but feel a special connection with him.

Even though I want to keep him at a distance because I'm scared I'll fall in love with him, his sweet gestures pull me closer.

He's so admirable, cute, hot, and handsome that I can't help but be drawn to him.

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