26. Whispers and Glances.

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J E E V A'S   P O V

After two hours of a blissful escape under the stars, Krishav and I made our way back. 

This time, I drove the bike, feeling a surprising sense of freedom and happiness. The stargazing and bike ride had been an unplanned date, leaving me feeling refreshed and relaxed in his presence.

As we arrived back at my hostel, I parked the bike and removed my helmet. 

The night had been a perfect distraction from my troubles. Standing outside the hostel, I turned to Krishav, my heart light and my smile genuine.

"Thank you for taking me out," I said, gratitude lacing my words.

He raked his hand through his hair, his eyes glinting with mischief. "I can do more than that for you, Jeeva."

His words sent a fresh wave of butterflies fluttering in my stomach, but I couldn't bring myself to respond. 

Instead, I smiled, feeling a warmth spreading through me. 

After bidding him goodbye, I started walking toward the hostel entrance. Just as I was about to go inside, I heard him call my name.


I turned around, curious. Krishav took a step closer, his expression earnest. "Umm.. After five days, on Saturday, it's my parents' 25th anniversary. They're throwing a party here in Indore, and Uh.. I want you to come."

I nodded, feeling a rush of anticipation. 

"Aditi and Dev are also invited," he added, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

I smiled back, reassured by the presence of mutual friends. "I'll be there."

A charming smile spread across his face, one that made my heart skip a beat. "Great. See you tomorrow then."

"Goodnight, Rish," I said softly, my own smile matching his as I turned and walked into the hostel.

As I made my way to my room, I replayed the evening in my mind. 

The unexpected adventure, the closeness we shared, and his invitation to the party all swirled together, filling me with a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

The night had revealed a new side of Krishav—one that was protective, dominant, and slightly dark, yet incredibly alluring. 

And despite the uncertainty and fear still lingering in my life, tonight had given me a glimpse of something beautiful and hopeful.


It has been four days since Krishav invited me to his parents' anniversary party, and those days have flown by in a blur of unexpected happiness. 

Despite my initial reluctance, Krishav insists on picking me up for my classes every day. I tell him not to, but he always counters with a playful argument: "If you're not accepting my proposal, the least you can do is let me pamper you as a friend. Give me a chance, Jeeva, and see if I can wait for you or not."

I never have a response to that. So, I let him do as he wishes. These four days have been filled with a mix of studying and spending time with Krishav and Aditi. 

Krishav does his best to make me feel happy and cared for, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep my distance from him. 

I can see the love and admiration in his eyes, and I start to think that maybe, just maybe, we could have a future together. Feelings I have never experienced before are blossoming inside me.

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