30. Echoes of Goodbye.

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When I first arrived in Indore to study, my mind was a whirlwind of doubts and fears. How would I navigate this new world without my parents? Though I believed in my strength, a shadow of uncertainty lingered—could I truly manage alone?

But he was there, a guardian in this unfamiliar place, wrapping me in a cocoon of safety I had only ever known with my parents. The feelings he awakens in me are uncharted and wondrous, like discovering a new color in the spectrum of my heart. They make my spirit soar with an exquisite blend of joy and contentment. I don't want him to go.

The thought of losing him fills me with a sorrow that I cannot bear. The pain of separation from the one who makes me feel loved and safe in this strange city is overwhelming. 

The thought of being away from him causes a kind of pain that makes me want to cry, but I can't because I don't want to hold him back. I don't know whether we will meet again or not, and if we do, I don't know when. But I will wait for him.

In the quiet of the library, I replay our conversation from last night, his words echoing in my mind—he's leaving the day after tomorrow, which means tomorrow. I know he is hurt because I am sending him away. 

I know his feelings for me, but I can't do anything. Sitting here, a pang of guilt and longing pierces through me. Each moment without him is a relentless reminder of what I am losing.

The ache in my heart is unbearable, knowing that the one person who makes me feel truly alive is slipping away. My thoughts drift to the countless times we have shared laughter, comfort, and silent understanding. 

An emptiness settles within me, a void that words can never fill. The library's silence mirrors the silence between us now, each second stretching like an eternity, filled with the weight of unspoken words and unshed tears. 

The reality of his impending absence feels like a shadow over my soul, dimming the light he brought into my life.

My thoughts are interrupted by a message on my phone. It is from Krishav, saying he wants to meet me. I reply with a simple "okay." A minute later, another message comes through: he will be here to pick me up from the library in 15 minutes.

I don't reply, but my heart begins to race. We haven't spoken since last night, and the anticipation of seeing him again is a mix of fear and longing. 

I close my eyes, trying to steady my breathing, but the tears threaten to fall. The reality of his impending departure sinks in deeper with each passing second.

I think about how he has always been there for me, how he makes me feel cherished in a city that was once so foreign and intimidating. 

The idea of facing the days ahead without him feels like a shadow over my heart. As I wait for him, my mind keeps replaying our last conversation, his words echoing in my ears. I want to tell him how much he means to me, how his presence has transformed my life. 

A girl who hadn't felt such emotions before is now experiencing them deeply for a person I met just a few months ago.

His words linger in my mind like a haunting melody, stirring a symphony of newfound feelings within me. I long to express how much he means to me, but I know I must let him go for his own sake. 

But I know I can't be selfish. I have to let him go, for his sake, for his future. The internal battle tears me apart, knowing that the right thing to do is also the most painful.

I glance at the clock, each tick a reminder that time is slipping away. I hope that seeing him one last time will give me the strength to endure the separation. 

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