28. Heartfelt Sacrifices.

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J E E V A'S   P O V

Sitting at my study table the next morning, I struggled to focus on my books. It was Sunday, a day I usually dedicated to catching up on my studies, but my mind kept drifting back to last night's events.

Why do people make assumptions without knowing the full story? I thought, frustration bubbling within me. The harsh words of Krishav's family echoed in my mind, each one piercing my heart anew. How can they judge me without even knowing who I am or what I stand for?

I sighed, trying to push the thoughts away, but they kept resurfacing. The idea that they believed I was holding Krishav back felt like a heavy weight on my chest. 

Do they really think I'm trying to trap him? That I'm some kind of hindrance to his success? Tears welled up in my eyes again, and I blinked them away, determined not to let my emotions overwhelm me.

And why didn't Krishav tell me he was supposed to go abroad? Is he really refusing to go because of me? The thought unsettled me. 

If that's true, it's wrong. He should go and focus on his career, on his future. I don't want to be the reason he lags behind.

I remembered the way he had looked at me, the way he had smiled. There was no doubt in my mind that he cared for me deeply. 

But his parents' intentions, while misguided, were not entirely wrong. They wanted the best for him, wanted him to take charge of the family business and ensure its success.

But their assumptions about me... I clenched my fists, the injustice of it all stinging sharply. It's not fair. They don't know me. They don't know that I want the best for him too. I would never hold him back.

My gaze drifted to the open books on my table, but the words blurred together, my thoughts too scattered to focus. 

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me. I knew what I had to do. I had to talk to Krishav, to make him understand that he needed to go. For his sake and for mine.

I don't want him to sacrifice his dreams for me, I thought firmly. He deserves to achieve everything he's capable of, and I won't be the reason he doesn't.

Determined, I wiped away my tears and picked up my pen. I had to study, had to focus on my own goals and aspirations. 

But I also knew I needed to have a serious conversation with Krishav. I would tell him to follow his dreams, to go abroad and build his future. And I would do it for both our sakes.

As I tried to immerse myself in my studies, my resolve hardened. I wouldn't let false assumptions and harsh judgments define me. 

I would face them head-on, with courage and clarity. For my future, and for Krishav's.

As I tried to focus on my studies, a soft knock on the door caught my attention. I sighed, placing my pen down and rising to answer. When I opened the door, I found Aditi standing there, her face full of confusion and concern.

"Hey," she said softly.

I nodded and turned back toward my study table, not really in the mood for a conversation but knowing I couldn't avoid it. Aditi came in, closed the door behind her, and sat on the edge of my bed.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice gentle yet probing.

I nodded, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, I'm fine."

She looked at me skeptically. "Then why did you behave so strangely yesterday? You went to give Krishav his phone and tell him we were leaving. What happened after that? Why did you act that way?"

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