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⚠️ Violence Ahead ⚠️

Author's POV

"AHHHHHH!!!! LEAVE ME!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU?" the man yelled, crying when a hot steel rod was placed on his hand.

"Leave you? Seriously?" the other man scoffed, again placing the rod on his other hand which is tied to the chair.


The other man scoffed again, "Audacity, the audacity of this man to say 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT I HAVE DONE?' abhi batata hoon tujhe what you have done," he said as he was going to push that rod in his mouth when he heard a voice as he turned around to look at his best friend.

"He still has to answer some questions, before that we cannot make him shut his mouth," the other man said as he came forward and his jaw clenched looking at the tied man.

He took the hot steel rod from his friend's hand and pushed it in his right eye. The tied man yelled as his voice echoed through the whole building, loudly.

And then he pushed the rod in his left eye. Tears of blood were flowing from his eyes.

"No no no please d-don't do t-this pl-please don't," the man sobbed.

His breathing had started becoming heavy due to pain and crying.

"Do you know why I put this rod in your eyes?" the man asked him as he placed the other chair in front of the tied man and sat on it, with a devilish smirk on his face.

But he got no reply.

"JUST FUCKING ANSWER WHEN I ASK SOMETHING TO YOU," the man yelled, kicking the chair on which the tied person was seated.

The chair fell backwards due to the immense force as the tied man's head hit the ground so hard that blood started flowing from there.

"N-no i-i don't know," the tied man replied, crying and lying on the floor.

"Oh! No worry, I'll tell you what you did to deserve this," the man said, signaling the guards to straighten the chair.

"So Mr. Watchman, you just saw my face. Where have you seen me before?" he asked.

No reply.

The man took the rod and hit it on the tied man's knees with full force.

"Ahhhh!! I-i didn't re-remember," the watchman said, trying to catch his breath.

The man laughed.

"Of course, how would you remember?" he said, "let me remind you then," he added and then started walking towards a table where various knives and scissors were placed.

He took poultry shear in his hand and smirked.

(Poultry shear is kind of scissor which can cut through and between the bones.)

He came to the watchman, sat in front of him, took his one hand, placed the poultry shears around his middle finger and said, " You shouldn't have looked at my girl with those filthy eyes and evil motives of yours," and cutted his middle finger.

"Ahhhhhh!!! I-i.." the watchman cried loudly.

The man again placed the shear around his ring finger and asked, "Now tell where have you seen me before?"

"Mo-morning, w-when you c-came to m-meet your girlfriend," the watchman said as he gulped the saliva that was forming in his throat due to crying.

The man smirked and said, "right, so you knew that she was my girlfriend and still you dare to look at her with bad intentions, when her man was standing with her, huh?"

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