Yoshi Power-Ups/Transformation Chart

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Guess who's back? Back again. Ink is back! Tell a friend! How's it going, everyone? Here I am again with another Power-Ups/Transformation Chart, this time for the green dino himself, Yoshi! Admittedly, this ain't my best one, buuut I'm happy with how it turned out.

We got a lot to go over, so let's get into it, shall we?

Yoshi: In the center, you got the brave, loyal, cutesy, cheerful and friendly dinosaur and the Mario Bros. trusty steed, Yoshi. You got Yoshi with his signature long, sticky tongue and flutter jump, Ground Pound, Egg Lay, Egg Roll, Egg Throw, etc.

Yoshi (Dragonstand): Oh! What's this? Looks like Yoshi has gained a new power. One day, when Yoshi was on his own adventure, Yoshi stumbled upon the ancient Dragon Palace. There, Yoshi came to an orb with glowing green energy inside. Yoshi then encountered the dragon spirit, Dragonstand. Seeing potential in Yoshi allows him to touch the green energy orb. Yoshi gained the orb's power, and Dragonstand taught Yoshi the powerful Dragonstand technique.

The Dragonstand technique is Yoshi's answer to the Mario Bros. Firebrand and Thunderhand techniques. With it, Yoshi commands incredible draconian energy, allowing him to form energy scales to increase his defenses, form the energy into razor-sharp claws that can tear through almost anything, and fire the power from his mouth in the form of a blast. Yoshi can also use the Dragonstand to enhance his other attacks.

Yoshi (Dragonstand: Dragon Up): Further down we see that Yoshi can even turn his Dragonstand up a couple of notches for even more power. In this state, Yoshi can use his Dragon Shine, in which fire the energy gathered in his mouth in the form of a powerful beam.

Juice Yoshi: Let's head left. This form might seem familiar to those who've played Super Mario Sunshine. When Yoshi gets a fruit, his skin color changes, and he can project great streams of fruit juice from his mouth. Perfect for filling Petey Piranha's mouth or blasting enemies away.

Juice Yoshi (Dragonstand): When Yoshi kicks up his Juice Form with his Dragonstand technique, he can fire even bigger juice streams and even fire it as massive blast.

Juice Yoshi (Dragonstand): When Yoshi kicks up his Juice Form with his Dragonstand technique, he can fire even bigger juice streams and even fire it as massive blast.

Dash Yoshi: To the right, now! Now this where Yoshi makes a dash. Those who've played Super Mario Galaxy 2 recognize this form. When Yoshi eat a Dash Pepper, his skin color changes to red, and he can might a high speeds. Good for catching up and making quick escapes.

Dash Yoshi (Dragonstand): When his applies his Dragonstand technique to his Dash Form, Yoshi can move even faster and can even dash forward at high speed while engulfed in flames, burning his enemies.

Winged Yoshi: Lower left, we have one of Yoshi's more recognized form. Whenever Yoshi gets a pair of Wings or swallow a Blue Shell, he gains a pair of large wings. The wings allow Yoshi to fly and grant him great maneuverability in the air. He can even project fireballs from his mouth.

Wing Yoshi (Dragonstand): Yoshi starts to feel more like a dragon here. When he applies his Dragonstand technique to his Winged Form. Yoshi can use all of his abilities while airborne. He can even unleash a firebreath that gives even Bowser a run for his money.

Invincible Yoshi: Here, we head lower right. Should Yoshi be lucky enough to find a Starman, he can become Invincible Yoshi. Surrounded by a rainbow colored aura, Mario is impervious to damage for a short time. Also this time around, Yoshi is faster and far stronger.

Super Dragon Yoshi: Now, upper right where we're get into the good stuff. If you've seen Mark's Haynes Super Mario Bros. Z, you know this form. When Yoshi is blessed with the power of the seven Star Spirits he become Super Dragon Yoshi. This pretty much Yoshi's Super Form in terms of fanon. As such, Yoshi possesses increased strength, speed, and invulnerability to boot.

Super Dragon Yoshi (Super Dragonstand): Yoshi can also apply his Dragonstand ability to his Super Dragon Form. Of course, in this state, the power it offers is far greater than in his standard form, making his attacks far stronger. He can even shoot a more powerful draconic energy beam.

Great Dragon Yoshi: Upper left, the fun continues. When Yoshi needs even greater power, the Star Spirits can grant him the Magna Star, a large Power Star of intense energy. With its, Yoshi can become Great Dragon Yoshi. As his equivalent to a Hyper Form,Great Dragon Yoshi is stronger, faster, and invulnerable to all but the strongest enemies. His standard abilities are far greater than the power even offered to him as Super Dragon Yoshi.

Great Dragon Yoshi (Great Dragonstand): Yoshi can also apply his Dragonstand ability to his Great Dragon Form. Of course, in this state, the power offers are far greater than in his standard form, making his attacks far stronger.

Dragon Fury Yoshi: Oh goodie! Now, we get to really, REALLY good stuff. Few people know this, but Yoshi is one of the seven Star Children that Bowser and Kamek tried to kidnap in the past. As such, Yoshi is said to possess "an extraordinary amount of power." When he gives himself to his primal instincts, he can harness a power deep within himself and summon a power-up of his own making, the beastly Dragon Mushroom. After eating the mushroom, Yoshi gains a form that awakens a primal power, becoming Dragon Fury Yoshi.

As his own "Limit Breaker Form," Yoshi gains draconian horns on his head, his orange spines extend, he gains claws on his hands and feet with his feet tearing out of his boots, large elaborate wings on his back, and red eyes. His body is filled with draconic energy that also flows from his eyes, and his body is enveloped in a green sheen. In this form, Yoshi commands the power of a great dragon. Yoshi's scales can tough it through anything, his claws and tear through almost anything, he can fly at incredible speeds, and he has extreme control over his energy. In this form, Yoshi is far more power than he's ever been.

Dragon Fury Yoshi (Primal Dragonstand): The most powerful variation of Yoshi's Dragonstand ability. Yoshi's draconic power increases dramatically, allowing him to pull off devastating attacks including his Primal Dragon Shine.

And there you have it. Yoshi's chart. Like I said before, not my best, but I'm happy with it.

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