Chapter 10: The Defeat of Phantom Lord

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After the battle against Gajeel and able to save Lucy in the process, Mario, Luigi and Bowser made it to where Jose is at, and both Erza and the rest of the group that were split up are in there. 

Mario was badly damaged after the battles he has gone against, but the most injured part of his body was his arms. His arms were very damaged after the fights he had gone against both Juvia and Gajeel.

The pain was admirably big to the point his body wanted him to retreat and rest, but his sheer will and determination to end this War it's what brought him to continue forward.

Luigi: Are you sure you're okay, Mario? Even though your arms are damaged?

Mario: Don't worry, Luigi. I want to beat the man responsible for hurting not only Lucy, but also my friends and the destruction of our guild. Are you in?

Luigi: Yeah. Even though I'm scared to fight him at first because since he's a Guild Master and one of the Ten Wizard Saints, I had gained huge amounts of courage after seeing you go up against Gajeel. I also came along because I wanted to end war like you, so that my friends no longer get hurt.

Bowser: Well I'm ready to go against Jose after what he did to Fairy Tail and planning to end the lives of many in Magnolia. I wanted to tear that guy apart!

All three had one thing in mind: to take down and beat Jose! When they opened the door, they were shocked to see what was on the other side. 

Mirajane, Elfman and Gray were knocked out, Yoshi was trying to get back up, but he was really beaten up, and finally with Erza, she was getting tortured by Jose slowly in order to make her suffer while also bringing entertainment to the cries of pain she was giving it to her.

This fueled the anger tremendously on all three men, more so on Mario and Bowser because seeing the state Erza was. And when they heard that Jose was planning to use Lucy in order to gain more money from her family, it was the last straw for all of them.

Mario: Bowser, I want you to throw me!

Bowser: (confused) Huh? (realized) Oh, I get it. 

Bowser grabbed him, and with all his might, he threw Mario at full speed straight to Jose. Once Jose had enough of her, he was gonna finish her off but not before hearing someone say.

???: Hey stinky!

Jose turned around because of it and received a dropkick right on his face, resulted in him being send off and skidding on the floor because of the force before crashing into the wall while some debris falls on top of him.

Erza was caught by surprise before the spell was starting to disappear because of Jose no longer concentrated in casting it, causing her to fall but not before Mario caught her in his arms bridal-style although he groans in pain due to the damage he has sustain in his arms.

Mario: Are you okay? 

Erza blushed a bit because of the position she was in.

Erza: (smile) It's you. I must admit, I never wanted anyone to see me in such a wretched state. I guess I still have a lot to turn.

Bowser walked up to them while Luigi was helping Yoshi up on his feet before everybody could hear something rumbling, it was the debris that was on Jose. They could see some dark magic emanating from it.

Mario: (puts Erza down) Erza, you and Yoshi to take everybody away. We'll take care of Jose

Erza: No, I can help! Not to mention I can see the state of your condition, especially your arms!

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