Princess Peach Power-Ups/Transformation Chart

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Oh, my golly. Princess Peach...with her own chart?! This was inevitable after Mario Bros., Yoshi, and Bowser got theirs. The lovely princess of the Mushroom Kingdom has a chart now, and we have quite a bit to cover.

Let's get into it, shall we?

Princess Peach: Do-do-do-dodo-do-do! It's everyone's favorite princess in pink and damsel-in-distress, Princess Peach. Of course, she won't need much of a rescue this time. In the center, you got Peach in her base form. While not much of a strong fighter like the others, Peach does have her Floating Jump, Ground Pound, Slap Attack, Telekinesis, Peach Bomber, and Peach Blossom.

Princess Peach (Royal Command): Going down, we see Princess Peach has learned a few new tricks. Many forget Peach is also skilled in magic. After seeing the Mario Bros. and Yoshi gain and strengthen their abilities, she decided to put more of her powers to good use. She trained her magic and gained a new ability, Royal Command.

Royal Command is Peach's answer to the Mario Bros'. Firebrand and Thunderhand techniques. Of course, Peach's power is more defensive. She can create shields and barriers to protect herself and others from damage. Moreover, Peach can make a sword that heals even better than 1-Up Mushrooms. But Peach isn't entirely on the defensive side, as she can throw crescent-shaped energy blasts to send the average grunt flying.

Princess Peach (Royal Command: Guard Up): Peach takes her power up a notch further down. She can create even more powerful shields and barriers to protect herself and others. Moreover, she can create barriers around her enemies, trapping them and sending their attacks back at them.

Fire Peach: To the right, we play slightly with fire! When Peach gets the Fire Flower, she becomes Fire Peach. In this form, Peach can project fireballs to really burn her enemies up.

Fire Peach (Royal Command): With her Royal Command, Peach can create shields and barriers out of fire that are great against fire and ice attacks and can even send fire attacks back with greater power. She can even throw crescent-shaped waves of flames to blast back her enemies.

Ice Peach: To the right, we get a little frosty. When Peach gets the Ice Flower, she becomes Ice Peach. This time around, she can throw iceballs to freeze her enemies solid.

Ice Peach (Royal Command): With her Royal Command, Peach can create shields and barriers out of ice that are great against fire and ice attacks and can even send ice attacks back with greater power. She can even throw crescent-shaped waves of ice to freeze numerous enemies.

Super Star Peach: Now, the upper right, let's play a little pretend, shall we? You know where this is going if you've seen Mark's Haynes Super Mario Bros. Z or any Mario sprite crossover past 06. When Peach is blessed with the power of the seven Star Spirits, she becomes Super Star Peach. This is pretty much Peach's Super Form in terms of fanon. As such, Peach possesses increased strength, speed, and invulnerability to boot.

Super Star Peach (Star Command): Peach can apply her Royal Command ability to her Super Star Form. Of course, her defensive abilities are far more powerful in this state, and she can restore more people faster with her healing swords. Her shields can also regenerate from damage. Moreover, she can create more powerful versions of her energy waves that the form of crescent-shaped discs with two large wing blades and a golden heart in the middle.

All Star Peach: Upper left, the fun continues. When Peach needs even greater power, the Star Spirits can grant her the Magna Star, a large Power Star of intense energy. With it, Peach can become All Star Peach. As her equivalent to a Hyper Form, All Star Peach is stronger, faster, and invulnerable to all but the strongest enemies. Her standard abilities are far greater than the power offered to her as Super Star Peach.

All Star Peach (All Star Command): As you've probably guessed, Peach's Royal Command ability translates into her All Star Form. Thanks to her increased power, Peach's shields become multicolored and can defend from all but the deadliest attacks. Moreover, her shields can absorb attacks and increase their resilience, and her energy discs yield greater destructive power.

Royal Fury Peach: Oooookay! Now we head up for the good stuff! Much like Mario and Luigi, there was a reason why Kamek tried to capture Peach when she was a baby. As one of the seven Star Children, Peach is said to possess "an extraordinary amount of power." When she channels the purity of her heart and willingness to protect her kingdom, Peach can harness a power deep within herself and summon a power-up of her own making, the sparkling Royal Peach. Upon eating the fruit, Mario ascends into a form that grants her the power to protect her loved ones from all threats, Royal Fury Peach.

As her own "Limit Breaker Form," Peach's crown disappears, and her blonde hair turns bright pink. She dawns a pink floor-length dress that bares her shoulders like Princess Rosalina's and a pair of wings, granting her the appearance of an angel. Peach's body is filled with pure pink energy that also flows from her eyes, and her body is enveloped in a matching sheen. In this form, Peach defensive abilities outclass those of her previous forms. She can create multiple nigh-unbreakable shields and barriers that absorb and reflect attacks and regenerate, forge healing blades that restore their health and power, create extraordinarily powerful energy discs, and flying at light-speed.

Royal Fury Peach (Imperial Command): Going further up, we have the most potent variation of Peach's Royal Command ability. Peach can create two powerful shields with a Peach's image on top. Large fingers are placed on the sides, and pink glowing hearts rest in the center. Peach can control the shields, and they can block the strongest attacks. The more power Peach puts into them, the stronger they become.

Aaand, that about wraps it up! Had few bumps with making ideas for this one. Still, I'm happy the way it turned. Hope you all enjoy this chart.

Until next time!

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