Chapter 8: Bowser vs Aria

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Bowser was walking alone at the moment after splitting up from the rest of the group who were trying to find a way to stop the forbidden spell from destroying Magnolia. Along the way, Bowser had felt the building shake a few times and heard faint monstrous roars echo through the stone walls.

They weren't just any normal roars, they sounded like Elfman's but with more ferocity. What did that mean? Had something happened to Elfman? Bowser didn't know, and though he was concerned, time was of the essence. He chose to have faith in his friends.

Bowser: (thoughts) Why don't they have any guards or something patrolling the halls? Do they want intruders to be able to break in this easily? Eh, whatever. Makes things easier for me.

He didn't realize someone was behind him before he finally started sensing that feeling and turning around ready to burn the poor bastard, only to see it was Erza who was following him in the first place.

Erza: Easy, Bowser. It's just me.

Bowser: Erza. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be protecting the guild hall?

Erza: I had a bad feeling, so I decided to find the rest of the group, only to find you in the middle of my search. May I accompany you?

Bowser: I don't mind at all. I also knew that certain feeling something bad is about to happen,  considering I have some experience. 

After a couple of minutes later, they went through the end of the corridor and into a large room that had a red carpet stretching down the center of the room and up to a grand staircase at the other end. Running along the carpet were brown pillars with light-emitting lacrimas on top.

The two arrived, only to witness Natsu fighting against Aria, but was no match for him. However, before Aria could finish him off, he received a massive dropkick right on his face sending him away and crashing into a wall. Aria looked who was responsible for that only to see it was Bowser along side with Erza. 

Bowser: Nice try, pal. But you ain't killing anybody. 

Erza: (went to Natsu) Are you alright, Natsu?

Natsu: Yeah, I'm okay. 

Bowser: Now then... (notice Aria wasn't there) What the-? Where did he go? 

Suddenly, within the blink of an eye, Bowser yelped in surprise as he was lifted off the ground by a powerful gust of wind. He landed on his back with a grunt, trying to comprehend what had happened.

Natsu and Erza: Bowser!

???: How sad...

The Koopa King lifted his head up to see a swirling twister of air a few meters in front of him. The twister vanished and in its place was Aria.

Aria: I have seen your power, quite impressive; nonetheless, no matter what form you take, I shall blow you away with my might.

Bowser: (got up) Let me guess, you're one of the Element 4.

Aria lifted up his head, and Bowser was kind of taken back to see that his eyes were covered by a blindfold. However, what really confused him was that rivers of tears were streaming down his face.

 However, what really confused him was that rivers of tears were streaming down his face

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