Chapter 9: Two Dragon Slayers, a Plumber, and a Koopa

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In the command center, a group of Phantom Lord wizards all looked on in shock at the two Dragon Slayers staring at each other, their main focus being on Mario, Bowser, and Natsu who was shrouded in flames.

Gajeel: Guess it's not too hard to catch a Salamander if you use the right bait.

Natsu: Unlike you Phantom creeps, I watch out for my friends! I won't let you lay a hand on her!

Bowser: Same here. You guys are going down! 

Mario: You'll pay for what you did to Lucy!

Lucy: (smiled warmly) Mario. Bowser. Natsu.

Natsu: (without looking) Stay back. This could get ugly.

Boze: Uh...Gajeel?

Gajeel: These three are mine.

With a wicked grin, Gajeel leaped at Natsu, Mario, and Bowser and turned his arm into an iron-club, extending it out to attack them.

Natsu: OH YEAH?!?!

Natsu caught Gajeel's club, spun around, and threw him into a wall. Gajeel made sure to hit the wall with his feet, and held up his arm in time to block a powerful, flaming punch from Mario. The blow was so strong that the stone walls tumbled apart behind Gajeel as a cloud of ash expanded through the room.

 The blow was so strong that the stone walls tumbled apart behind Gajeel as a cloud of ash expanded through the room

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The Phantom mages cried out in fear as they ran away from the falling debris. 

Phantom Lord member: WE GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!!!

Gajeel and Mario both jumped out of the ash cloud, then Bowser went on Gajeel's left. The Iron Dragon Slayer was unprepared as Bowser delivered a nasty right hook into his face. Phantom Lord's Dragon Slayer went flying back until he crashed into the wall on the opposite side of the room.

The wall had dented inward, Gajeel lying in the center. He rubbed his chin and frowned. He was inwardly impressed and surprised that Bowser had managed to hurt him. Gajeel looked up in time to see Natsu jumping at him; his feet covered in fire.

Nastu: Fire Dragon Talon!

Mario also unleashed his Fire Orb tecnqhiue while Gajeel brought up his iron-club arm to block the attacks. This resulted in an outburst of smoke and fire that sent Natsu and Mario careening backward.

Lucy, meanwhile, watched the battle with concern and surprise. She couldn't believe how violent Mario was against Gajeel. The Celestial wizard was brought out of her musings when Luigi and Happy walked up to her in worry.

Luigi: Lucy, are you okay?!

Lucy: (smile) Luigi, Happy. 

She then turned her attention back to Mario, who was walking out of a dust cloud, an enraged scowl on his face. This startled her slightly, for she had never seen Mario this angry before. 

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