Chapter 3: Recuse Lucy Heartfilia

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The Guild War between Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord was now underway as the members of the two guilds sought each other's defeat.

Mario and Luigi both wielded their hammers to knock the Phantom Lord wizards while Bowser and Yoshi beat them down with fireballs and Yoshi eggs. 

Cana: Card Magic: Lightning! Reverse Tower! Lover! Fate of Lightning!

The combination of cards generating a massive electric shock that strikes down numerous Phantoms.

Loke: Ring Magic: Twister!

From one of Loke's rings, a powerful wind storm is called upon, sweeping up dozens of opposing wizards, as well as a couple of chairs and tables.

Raising his arm above his head, Elfman roars, ready for battle, as his arm undergoes a partial Take-Over into a reptilian-looking beast's arm. He then sends several Phantoms flying back with the Beast Arm's strength.

Elfman: Come on, man up! Don't you wanna be like me?!

Phantom Lord 1: Well, that guy's a brute.

Phantom Lord 2: What happened to his arm?

Phantom Lord 3: It's Take-Over Magic.

Phantom Lord 4: Why would anyone let a monster take over their arm?

Phantom Lord 5: You guys, that's Elfman!

Phantom Lord 6: I've heard of him. He kills monsters, then absorbs their power. They call him 'Beast Arm' Elfman.

Natsu: Yeah! These guys got nothing on us!

Dark cackling is heard from above. Everyone looks up to see Gajeel drop down from the rafter and crashes down below, creating a large cloud of smoke.

Through the billowing dust, the Phantom Lord wizards can easily make out the Dragon Slayer, despite his face being obstructed.

Gray: You were saying...?

Fairy Tail member 1: Who's that?

Fairy Tail member 2: It's gotta be...

A few members mumbled in fear from the presence of the man whilst Erza's eyes narrowed from recognition.

Erza: It's the Iron Dragon Slayer, Black Steel Gajeel.

Mario: That's the Iron Dragon Slayer?

Bowser: Huh... he looks close to what I pictured.

Suddenly, Nab, a tan-skinned man wearing a black vest and a necklace of skulls, jumped into view behind Gajeel. 

Nab: You attacked Levy! AGGH!!!

Before he could land a punch, Gajeel turned his arm into a large iron pillar and stuck Nab in his torso. Gajeel's iron-club arm kept stretching out until it smashed across the floor, forming a trench and knocking back his own guildmate in the process.

Luigi: Oh no!

Loke: Aw, man.

Mario: (surprised) Okay, that's new.

Gray: (shocked) What the?! He just knocked back his own guildmates with that attack!

Yoshi: Why would he do that?!

Bowser: It's clear that they don't have the same bonds among guild mates as we do.

Black Steel Gajeel jumped from the billboard and landed safely on his feet. He chuckled as his iron-club arm reverted back to normal. 

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