Chapter 7: A Flower Blossoms in the Rain

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Mario and Gray were at the top of the Giant robot. A minute later, grey storm clouds were forming over the Giant Phantom. Thunder rumbled through the air as it began to rain.

They climbed through a broken window to get outside, hoping that it would make it easier to find the Abyss Break's power source. When they felt the rain hit their bodies, they glanced up at the sky in confusion.

Mario: What the? It's raining now? Since when did the clouds appear?

Gray: That's weird.

???: Drip, drip, drop.

Both Mario and Gray turned around to see a young woman with a curvaceous figure, blue hair that was curled at the base, dark blue eyes, and pale skin. She wore a navy blue coat, a fur shawl, and a hat that Mario would later find similar to that of a Russian Cossack. She was holding a pink umbrella with white frilly trim at the base over her head as she walked toward.

 She was holding a pink umbrella with white frilly trim at the base over her head as she walked toward

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Juvia: My name is Juvia Lockser, and I am the Rain Woman of the Element 4. Drip, drip, drop.

Gray: So you're one of them too, huh? Well then, bring it on.

Juvia: I must say, I'm quite impressed that your guild was able to smack down two of the Elements. However, you must not underestimate the remaining two.

Mario: Yeah, the same could be said of us.

Gray: Listen, lady, if you're looking for a fight I'll give you one. But let's get something straight. I'm not gonna hold back just because you're a chick.

Mario: (raised eyebrow) Okay, that was weird. But like Gray said, I won't hold back as well just because you're a girl. I would go against anybody to protect the ones I care about. 

A moment of silence passed while Mario, Gray and Juvia stared at each other. The tension could be cut with a knife. Unexpectedly, a hearty blush appeared on Juvia's pale face.

Juvia: Well then. (turned around and began to slowly walk away) I give up. You win. Goodbye.

Mario: Yeah that's what I... WAIT WHAT?!?! (confused) Are you serious?! Just like that?!

Juvia ignored him as she continued to walk away. But as she did, she shielded her heart with her hand, as she had trouble controlling her head, as her breathing was becoming deeper, her blush remaining on her face, as so many thoughts were rushing into her head.

 But as she did, she shielded her heart with her hand, as she had trouble controlling her head, as her breathing was becoming deeper, her blush remaining on her face, as so many thoughts were rushing into her head

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