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THE ROOM lingered in a seemingly comfortable silence as Jewel observed her husband slice an apple into rabbit-like shapes.

She really doesn't want to admit it, but he looked so sexy slicing those apples. One large calloused hand gripping those round things while his other hand slowly pushes the small knife through the fruit. His beautiful captivating eyes focused on his every movement.

'Whoah... Hold on there, self. What the heck are you ogling at?' Her mind suddenly interrupts.

Did she also bump her head somewhere when she lost her consciousness? Speaking of which, maybe she probably did because Phoenix somewhat changed his attitude towards her, a little bit, when she woke up, which was really weird.

He seemed genuinely concerned about her.

"Is there something wrong with my face? Or is it the apple? He asked when he noticed that she was staring at him too much.

"I was many days was I asleep?"

He answered while still slicing another apple. Just how many apples is he going to slice?

"Two days." He said then took one piece of apple he just sliced and pressed it against her lips, urging her to eat it.

She took a bite of the apple. "Wow, two days and you're already this nice to me." She said while one of her cheeks is stuffed with apple. "Don't you have work today?"

Phoenix stopped slicing the apple and placed it on the plate with the other sliced pieces on the bedside table.

"Let's just say that I feel bad about leaving you alone on that bench alone. It was my fault that you fainted."

"Oh psh... We both know that it wasn't your fault. Who would've thought that I was gonna faint?" She swallowed the apple and Phoenix fed her with another one.

"I still feel guilty though. Just let be nice for a while to clear my conscience, okay?" He said as she took the whole slice and chew on it.

She intently looked at him and then sighed. She thought that maybe, he was changing a little and genuinely trying to be nicer to her...but then again, why would he do that in the first place?

Maybe she assumed too much because they were actually getting along with each other in the amusement park and were both having a good time.

But she did enjoy those moments that she spent with him...It's like she went back to her childhood when she and Phoenix were still close.

''s time to face the reality.' She sadly thought to her head.

"So why did you pass out?" He suddenly asked.

That caught her off-guard.

"The doctor didn't tell you?" Oh she hoped that the doctor didn't found out about it. And if he did, she hoped that he didn't tell Phoenix.

"He told me that it was asthma." He said in a casual tone.

Oh thank goodness that she already told him that she has asthma. It'll save her from making another excuse to hide the truth.

"R-right...I had an asthma attack." She said in a bit of an awkward tone which she wished he didn't catch. That's the only reason she could give him.

Phoenix was the one to intently look at her this time. She wondered why?

He fed her another slice of apple. "Next time, bring your inhaler, alright."

She frowned upon accepting the slice and chew on it. "I did bring it with me. I just didn't have enough time to take it before I passed out there."

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